
发布时间:2018-09-03 16:41
[Abstract]:Image recognition mainly includes image preprocessing, feature extraction, classification and recognition. Deep mining of image feature information to improve the reliability of feature extraction is the key link of image recognition. Image recognition can be divided into static object recognition and moving object recognition. In order to design an image recognition system with higher recognition rate and better real-time performance, both static and dynamic object recognition should be combined with the characteristics of the image itself and the relevant knowledge of the target recognition. Cell and fire smoke identification are two hot topics in academia nowadays. Taking static cervical cells and dynamic fire smoke as research objects, a cervical cell screening system with good performance and a fire smoke detection system are designed on the basis of in-depth analysis of cell and fire smoke image characteristics. In order to solve this problem, the characteristics of cervical cells stained with HE are analyzed in depth, and the features of different blocks are compared. It is found that the textures and colors of different kinds of blocks are quite different, and a block processing is proposed to replace the image. Based on the idea of image segmentation, a cervical cell screening system based on the analysis of the characteristics of the block image is designed. Eleven features are extracted by feature selection, and the T-test (p0.001) verifies that the selected features have a large degree of discrimination; support vector machine structure and parameters are designed according to the selected features to achieve normal and abnormal block image classification and recognition. Compared with segmentation-based recognition system, it improves the real-time performance of the system and provides more possibilities for clinical application on the basis of ensuring the accuracy. Secondly, the conventional image recognition system usually needs to select the features of the recognition objects manually, which makes the system have strong limitations, generally only for specific pairs in a specific environment. As far as cervical cells are concerned, the existing recognition systems are usually better for one kind of stained cervical cells, but for different stained cervical cells, different recognition systems need to be designed. A convolution neural network based on support vector machine is constructed by improving the product neural network and replacing the output layer of the traditional convolution neural network with support vector machine.The relevant parameters of the network are designed for different stained cervical cells to realize the classification and recognition of normal and abnormal cells. The proposed recognition system is more accurate than conventional convolution neural network and support vector machine. Finally, the static feature model alone can not describe the dynamic characteristics of the target, and it is difficult to solve the dynamic target scene complex, fast moving and other problems. Therefore, for moving target recognition, it is necessary to combine static and dynamic characteristics, comprehensive analysis. In order to detect fire haze in the very early stage, the optical flow vector characteristics of suspicious moving region contour are extracted by using the special turbulence characteristics of smoke, instead of the traditional calculation of optical flow vector for the whole suspicious region. The frame difference method based on Gauss pyramid is used to detect moving objects and eliminate the interference of static objects. Then, some motion disturbances are eliminated by detecting the color model and texture features of moving regions. The Lucas-Kanade optical flow method based on Gauss pyramid is used to analyze the optical flow vector of moving region contour, eliminate non-smoke disturbance and determine the smoke region. Experiments show that the smoke recognition scheme proposed in this paper not only guarantees accuracy, but also improves real-time performance.


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