
发布时间:2019-01-25 10:39
[Abstract]:With the popularity of mobile devices such as smart phones and the rapid development of mobile Internet, geographically based services have been widely concerned and applied. These services produce a large amount of spatial text data, which not only contain spatial location, but also have relevant text information. Whether we can make better use of these data to facilitate our daily life, there are two factors worth considering in particular: first, data quality, high quality data can improve the user experience; Second, the way users get information, users need efficient and convenient access to data of interest. This paper focuses on these two aspects: on the one hand, optimize the quality of spatial text data, including improving the accuracy of data, reducing data redundancy; On the other hand, how to deal with the needs of different users and efficiently push spatial text data to users. The contents and contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) Spatial text data purification based on crowdsourcing: in order to ensure the correctness of the data, crowdsourcing method is used to help filter the correct keywords in the data. This paper presents a task execution framework based on crowdsourcing. On the one hand, the spatial text data is published on the crowdsourcing platform as a task and the workers' answers are collected. In order to select the correct keywords according to the workers' answers and combine the factors such as workers' quality, an effective inference model is constructed. On the other hand, in order to further improve the accuracy of inference, the crowdsourcing task assignment algorithm which can maximize the accuracy of inference is studied. (2) top-k fusion of spatial text data: in order to reduce data redundancy, the data is fused by top-k. The traditional method does not consider the combination of spatial text data. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a filtering algorithm framework based on spatial text signature, which filters irrelevant data pairs by signature. Then it is found that the access order of the signature has a great influence on the efficiency of the algorithm, so an optimal priority algorithm is proposed to access the signature one by one with the upper bound from large to small. This way you can quickly find top-k results. In addition, the paper optimizes the spatial text signature, and proposes an extended spatial text signature to further enhance the filtering ability of the algorithm. (3) push the spatial text data: to meet the user's different push requirements, This paper presents and studies the parameterized spatial text information push problem. In order to solve this problem, a spatial prefix and a corresponding filtering algorithm are proposed. Based on the classical spatial hierarchical index structure, a region prefix is proposed, which can effectively reduce the prefix size and support region filtering. On this basis, the spatial text prefixes are proposed in combination with multi-keyword filtering technology, which further improves the filtering ability of the algorithm.


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