[Abstract]:With the rapid development of mobile Internet technology and the widespread popularity of intelligent mobile devices, location-based social media emerged as the times require, and generated a large number of location-related user behavior data. Personalized recommendation for user behavior data modeling is the core technology to help users overcome information overload and achieve accurate marketing in big data era. The traditional recommendation algorithm does not fully consider the geographic location information and its interaction with many kinds of data, so it can not get the ideal recommendation effect in the new media. Based on the theory of data mining and machine learning, this paper systematically studies four representative user modeling and content recommendation problems in location-based social media. Facilitate in-depth academic research on location-based social media and facilitate the deployment of recommendation applications in industry. The research questions and technical contributions in this paper are summarized as follows: 1. Party-based group recommendations: in order to solve the problem of traditional group recommendations only for online virtual groups, this article fully explores the impact of geographic factors on user participation in the group. A unified model, PTARMIGAN, is proposed to integrate the location-related features of the design with the classical recommendation methods. The experimental results show that the model is better than the correlation method in terms of group recommendation, and it is verified that considering geographic location information can help predict users to join a party-based group. 2. Recommendation of cold start in city: in order to overcome the shortage of neglecting the treatment of cold start activity in previous study of activity recommendation, a joint Bayesian Poisson decomposition model (CBPF).) is proposed in this paper. It takes full account of heterogeneous information such as offline event organizer, activity content introduction, event location and so on, and designs an effective learning algorithm to get the representation of cold start activity. The experimental results show that CBPF is superior to many predecessors, and it is found that the organizer of the event has the greatest influence on the user's participation in the activity. 3. Time-aware next location recommendation: in order to make use of the time factor, social relations and current location on the user's preference for the next location, this paper proposes a new model, LTSCR, which integrates time and social relations on the basis of the basic collaborative retrieval model. It takes the target user, its location and corresponding time as implicit query, and sorts the candidate location according to the query. The experimental results show that the cooperative retrieval model, which integrates spatio-temporal information and social relations, is more effective in this task. 4. Comment modeling and scoring prediction for user location association: to capture the feature that comment topics in location-based peer-reviewed social media are associated with their users and locations at the same time. A priori-based dual additive latent Dirichlet assignment model (PDA-LDA) is developed in this paper. The model correlates user and location theme factors with Dirichlet distribution parameters, thus affecting the topic generation of comments. The experimental results show that the model performs well in text modeling, and the topic distribution features are useful for scoring prediction.
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