[Abstract]:Water is the main non-biological element that affects the growth and reproduction of crops in arid areas. It is of great theoretical significance to study the response of crops to drought, and to study the crop breeding in arid areas. The experiment of pot cultivation was carried out in the arid agricultural test station of Yuzhong campus of Lanzhou University in 2014-2016, and the main indexes such as the morphology, physiology and yield of the wheat were determined by setting different degree of water treatment, and the contribution of the morphological and typical physiological characters of the wheat to the yield formation was revealed. The main results are as follows: 1. The effects of drought stress on water use efficiency and yield of two kinds of root-type spring wheat were studied by pot experiment and three water stress treatments. The yield of wheat HST was lower than that of low root system LC8275 (50% FWC: 8.1% 11%; 35% FWC: 41.1% 60.4%), while the water use efficiency of wheat was increased with the increase of drought. The results showed that, under the condition of full water supply, the growth index between the grain biomass (R) and the vegetative biomass (V) of the large root wheat HST was significantly higher than that of the vegetative biomass (V), indicating that the HST had more energy for grain formation during the growth and development process. In the drought, there was no significant difference between R-V and R-V, which showed that drought stress changed the reproductive allocation strategy of HST, while the index of LC8275 between R-V and R-V in three water gradients was not significantly different, and it was a constant-speed growth. The drought stress did not change its breeding strategy, and the HST was more sensitive to drought. The effects of two kinds of water treatment on the water use efficiency and yield of aneuploid wheat were studied. The yield and water use efficiency of wheat were all increasing. Compared with the full water supply, the drought reduced the yield of wheat, improved the water use efficiency of the yield, and the yield of the two-and-four-six-fold wheat decreased by 36%, 47.2%, 40.1%, respectively, and the water use efficiency (WUE) of the yield increased by 2.1%, 4%, and 4.1%, respectively. The results showed that, under the condition of full water supply, the growth index between grain yield (R) and vegetative biomass (V) of hexaploid wheat was significantly higher than that of 1. In the drought stress, the growth index of the hybrid wheat R-V was significantly higher than that of the diploid wheat, and the output of the diploid wheat was increased with the increase of the individual size. At the same time, the growth index of the R-V was not significantly different from that of the one in the two kinds of water treatment, and belongs to the constant-speed growth, and it is concluded that the reproductive and distribution strategies of the wheat are different in different water environments. The effects of water stress on the morphological and physiological characters of wheat resulted in a decrease in the yield of wheat, on the one hand, the distribution pattern of biomass was changed, on the other hand, the yield of wheat was reduced by the influence of morphological and physiological characters. The results showed that, under the drought stress, the root-to-crown ratio increased, the number of the leaves, the height of the plant, the length of the ear, the leaf area, the leaf biomass and the root biomass of the wheat decreased, and it was found that the drought also significantly reduced the thickness of the blade, the thickness of the skin, the diameter of the vascular bundle, In the same time, the content of proline, soluble sugar and soluble protein of wheat was increased significantly. according to the previous studies on drought resistance, the indexes of proline, soluble sugar, soluble protein and the like of the wheat leaves are defined as drought-resistant indexes, and the root biomass, the root-to-crown ratio, the plant height, the leaf area, the diameter of the catheter, the thickness of the vascular bundle, the diameter of the vascular bundle, The thickness of the skin and the like are classified as the drought-proof index. The result shows that the wheat has the strategy of drought-resistant and drought-resistant and cooperative evolution in adapting to drought stress. The effect of wheat morphological and physiological characters on yield formation under drought stress is the main component analysis of wheat to drought resistance in response to drought resistance and drought resistance, and the results show that, The greatest contribution to the yield of wheat under drought is the index of morphological characters, including the number of effective fractions, the biomass of each vegetative organ, the number of effective small ears, the number of grains, etc., and the anatomical index of the blade, such as the thickness of the blade skin, the diameter of the vascular bundle, The relation between the diameter of the catheter and the index of physiological characters is relatively small, but with the increase of the number of the wheat, the effect of the physiological and anatomical characters on the yield is increased.
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