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发布时间:2018-12-21 20:05
【摘要】:本试验选用秦皇岛市昌黎县地区常规种植的甜玉米品种作为研究对象,设春播(4月3号)和夏播(7月3号)2个播期试验,以春播品种金菲(Z1)和夏播品种华珍(X5)为对照,各选用9个品种为试验材料,进行品比试验。其中选取春播品种金菲(Z1)、金甜878(Z6)设置四个密度处理,分别为45000株/hm~2(M1)、52500株/hm~2(M2)、60000株/hm~2(M3)、67500株/hm~2(M4),进行密度试验。研究密度、品种对甜玉米籽粒产量的影响,同时对灌浆过程中春播和夏播品种可溶性糖含量、百籽粒鲜重、植株性状指标进行测定。从而确定适宜一年两茬的甜玉米品种及其种植密度,为生产实践中合理密植,高产优质提供理论依据。结论如下:1.随着甜玉米种植密度的增加产量随之提高,品种金菲表现为M4M3M2M1,品种金甜878为M3M4M2M1。而甜玉米品种金菲、金甜878的适时采收期均在灌浆后18 d-21 d。不同种植密度对可溶性糖含量有明显影响,品种金菲表现为M3M2M4M1,品种金甜878表现为M1M4M2M3。因此,品种金菲适宜种植密度为67500株/hm~2,产量鲜重达1902.82 kg/亩;品种金甜878适宜种植密度为60000株/hm~2,产量鲜重达1621.85 kg/亩。2.甜玉米籽粒灌浆过程中可溶性糖含量均呈“S”型曲线变化趋势黄粒甜玉米在灌浆后21 d含量最高,黄白粒在灌浆后27 d含量最高。春播甜玉米品种超甜1301表现为株高260.51 cm、穗位高97.40 cm、茎粗2.73 cm、穗长22.27 cm、穗粗4.87 cm、行粒数43个、百籽粒鲜重21.07g、单穗重476.11 g等植株性状,密度为60000株/hm~2时产量达1749.85 kg/667m~2,可溶性糖含量为11.94%,产量鲜重高,可溶性糖含量稳定。夏播品种黄金万两表现为株高274.67 cm、穗粗5.30 cm等植株性状,密度为67500株/hm~2时产量鲜重达1398.00 kg/667m~2。
[Abstract]:In this experiment, sweet corn varieties planted in Changli County, Qinhuangdao City, were selected as the research objects, and two sowing dates of spring sowing (April 3) and summer sowing (July 3) were set up. The spring sowing variety Jinfei (Z1) and summer sowing variety Huazhen (X5) were used as control, 9 varieties each as the test material. Among them, four density treatments (45000 / hm~2 (M1), 52500 / hm~2 (M2), 60000 / hm~2 (M3), 67500 plants / hm~2 (M4) were selected from the spring sowing varieties Jinfei (Z1) and Jintian 878 (Z6). The density tests were carried out with four densities of 45000 plants / hm~2 (M1), 52500 plants / hm~2 (M2), 60000 plants / hm~2 (M3) and 67500 plants / hm~2 (M4). The effects of density and variety on the grain yield of sweet corn were studied, and the content of soluble sugar, fresh weight of 100 grains and plant characters during grain filling of spring and summer sowing varieties were measured. Thus, the suitable sweet corn varieties and their planting density were determined, which provided the theoretical basis for reasonable close planting and high yield and good quality in production practice. The conclusions are as follows: 1. With the increase of planting density of sweet corn, the yield of the variety Jinfei was M4M3M2M1and the variety Jintian878 was M3M4M2M1. The timely harvest period of sweet maize varieties Jinfei and Jintian 878 were 18 d ~ 21 d after filling. The content of soluble sugar was affected by different planting density. The variety Jinfei was M3M2M4M1 and the variety Jintian878 was M1M4M2M3. Therefore, the optimum planting density of Jinfei was 67500 plants / hm~2, the fresh weight of the variety Jintian 878 was 1902.82 kg/ mu, and the suitable planting density of Jintian878 was 60000 plants / hm~2, yield of 1621.85 kg/ mu. 2. The content of soluble Sugar in Sweet Maize during Grain filling all showed "S" curve the content of yellow sweet corn was the highest at 21 days after filling, and the content of yellow white grain was the highest at 27 days after filling. The spring sweet maize cultivar Chaotian 1301 was characterized by plant height of 260.51 cm, ear height of 97.40 cm, stem diameter of 2.73 cm, ear length of 22.27 cm, ear diameter of 4.87 cm, fresh weight of 100 grains, fresh weight of 21.07 g, single spike weight of 476.11 g, and so on. The density was 60000 plants / hm~ _ 2, the yield reached 1749.85 kg/667m~2, soluble sugar content was 11.94, the yield fresh weight was high, and the soluble sugar content was stable. Summer sowing variety Jinwanliang showed plant height of 274.67 cm, ear diameter of 5.30 cm, density of 67500 plants / hm~ 2 and fresh weight of 1398.00 kg/667m~2..


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