[Abstract]:Somatic embryogenesis plays an important role in bulb propagation, germplasm preservation and genetic improvement of lily. There were significant differences in the degree of difficulty of embryo induction among different species of encyclosum cells. In this paper, the histomorphology of somatic embryogenesis and development of five different lines of cut flower lily seedlings were observed in order to clarify the difference of embryogenesis and development of different kinds of syncystis. It lays a foundation for the establishment of somatic embryo regulation system of different lines of cut flower lily. The main results are as follows: (1) all the five kinds of cell embryos of cut flowers have experienced two ways: inner origin and outer origin. The scales of 'White heaven' appeared internal origin on the 7th day and outer origin on the 14th day after inoculation on the induction medium. The results showed that there was no difference between the internal origin and the outer origin on the 7th day after inoculation and the external origin on the 14th day. 'Intrinsic origin of Eyeliner' appeared on the 6th day and extrinsic origin on the 10th day, 'Triumphator' appeared in the inner origin on the 7th day and outer origin on the 10th day. In the above three species of cut flower lily, the inner origin first appeared and then the outer origin appeared. 'Strawberry and cream' appeared on the 7th day, and on the 15th day, the inner origin appeared. 'Exotic origin of Double surprise' appeared on the 8th day and inner origin on the 10th day, and the embryogenesis of these two kinds of synecious embryos appeared first, then inner origin. 2When the embryogenic cells of the five species of cut flower lily began to differentiate, the embryogenic cells of the five species of cut flower lily began to differentiate. Microscopically, ductal tissue was observed in endogenic embryogenic cells, and the ductus was always associated with embryogenic cells. Until somatic embryo and mother cell produce physiological isolation. 3 there are indirect and direct ways of embryogenesis of the five kinds of cut flower 100 cell embryos. 3) there are two ways in which the somatic embryo is isolated from the parent cell. Among them, 'Strawberry and cream,,'White heaven','Double surprise' occurs in an indirect way, forming embryogenic calli with large nucleus, dense cytoplasm and tight cell structure. The callus dedifferentiated to form somatic embryos. 'Eyeliner' and' Triumphator' occurred in a direct way without callus stage. Somatic embryos were formed by direct differentiation of embryogenic cells. 4 the development process of the five kinds of cut flower hundred zygote cell embryos all underwent spherical embryo and heart-shaped embryo. In torpedo-shaped embryo and cotyledon-shaped embryo stage, 5 vascular bundles were observed in somatic embryos of five lily species, but the vascular tissue appeared in different time. 'Strawberry and cream' and' Triumphator' appeared earlier. At the stage of globular embryo formation, vascular tissue appeared later in 'White heaven','Eyeliner' and' Double surprise', and formed in torpedo embryo stage. 6 during somatic embryogenesis of five species of cut flower lily, In somatic embryos, separate vascular bundles are formed and are not connected to the mother, that is, when the globular embryo is formed, it is physically isolated from the mother. 'White heaven','Eyeliner',. In the torpedo embryo stage, 'Double surprise' and' Strawberry and cream' had obvious boundaries between somatic cells and parent cells, which resulted in cell-to-cell isolation. 'Intercellular isolation of somatic embryos of Triumphator' occurs in cotyledon-shaped embryos.
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