发布时间:2018-04-18 22:35
本文选题:思想政治工作 + 社会管理 ; 参考:《中共中央党校》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:当前,党中央和国务院做出了加强和创新社会管理的重要部署,这一方面对新时期思想政治工作的实效性提出了更高要求,同时也为思想政治工作的创新和发展提供了全新平台、指明了发展方向。思想政治工作是一门科学,它的科学性不仅要体现在其指导思想层面,而且要落实到具体的实践工作中。加强和创新社会管理是提高我国社会管理科学化水平的重要举措,也是积极构建社会主义和谐社会的必由之路。加强和创新社会管理工作离不开思想政治工作的教化、协调、保证、整合和激励等功能的有效发挥;思想政治工作也离不开社会管理这个重要的实践平台。思想政治工作必须在新时期社会管理实践中,进一步增强其实效性,彰显其时代价值。 任何一个社会的正常有序运行都离不开扎实有效的社会管理工作。社会的现代化程度与社会管理工作息息相关。中国共产党在执政后就开始了探索社会主义社会管理的漫长征程,在六十多年的社会管理中,我们有过成功的经验,也经历过失败的教训。特别是改革开放之后,我们进入建设社会主义市场经济的新时期。随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展,在社会领域也呈现出了相应地变化,比如贫富分化加剧、群体性事件频发、社会不信任增强、个体行为“逐利性”增强、宗教极端势力沉渣泛起等,这导致社会的不和谐、不稳定因素被“激活”、放大。当前,,加强和创新社会管理就是针对这些社会问题而提出的战略举措。加强和创新社会管理不仅需要体制、机制层面的改革,也需要细致入微的教育引导工作。党的十七大报告,第一次提出“加强和改进思想政治工作,注重人文关怀和心理疏导。”十八大报告在此基础上,进一步指出要“培育自尊自信、理性平和、积极向上的社会心态。”这就是党的思想政治工作在新时期增强实效性、体现时代价值的发展方向。 思想政治工作的社会学范式研究始于上世纪90年代。进入新世纪以来,我国的社会矛盾日益激化,社会冲突事件频频发生,积极构建社会主义和谐社会已经迫在眉睫。伴随着加强和创新社会管理的战略任务的提出,思想政治工作与社会学的交叉研究再次成为热点。本文从拓展和强化思想政治工作社会管理功能的视角出发,综合运用文献法、系统分析法和多学科交叉研究法等研究方法,从学理和实践两个层面深入分析思想政治工作社会管理功能的科学内涵、历史经验教训、衍生问题、强化策略等,以增强新时期思想政治工作的实效性。 思想政治工作社会管理功能研究具备客观的理论基础。思想政治工作与社会管理工作的实践主体具有同一性,价值取向具有共同性,作用机制具有互补性,目标指向具有一致性。思想政治工作的社会管理功能具体包括社会教化、社会调节、社会整合、社会规范和社会激励等几个方面。加强思想政治工作社会管理功能研究有利于推进思想政治工作社会学范式研究,推进思想政治工作的现代化转型和社会管理事业的科学化发展。 发挥思想政治工作社会管理功能的社会实践由来已久。中国共产党在执政六十多年的历史进程中,始终强调思想政治工作在社会建设中的“生命线”地位,强调发挥基层党组织的“战斗堡垒”作用,重视马克思主义中国化内容的社会阐释,重视发挥大众传媒的社会宣传功能,重视发挥思想政治工作的利益协调功能,重视发挥榜样的社会示范功能等。与此同时,我们党也走过一些“弯路”,特别是在“文化大革命”时期,思想政治工作的社会管理功能发生了严重“错位”,造成恶劣的社会后果。从正反两方面总结我们党在发挥思想政治工作社会管理功能的经验和教训对于进一步强化其社会管理功能发挥具有积极意义。 西方国家虽然不采用“思想政治工作”这一名词,但其所谓的公民教育、政治素养教育、政治社会化等都发挥着思想政治工作的功能。国外“思想政治工作”发挥社会管理功能经历了上百年的实践,积累了诸多有益经验,值得我们学习借鉴,比如强化思想政治工作的内容体系建设,重视发挥大众传媒的社会宣传作用,积极构建多主体教育的社会宣教格局,强调灌输渗透相结合的路径建设等。 思想政治工作的社会管理功能发挥受到多种因素的综合影响,深入剖析其影响因素是分析当前存在的问题以及解决问题的必要前提。影响思想政治工作社会管理功能发挥的因素既有主观因素,也存在客观因素。主观因素包括思想政治工作队伍的结构和素质、工作对象的人格素质结构。客观因素包括思想政治工作的内容、方法、载体和社会环境等。当前制约思想政治工作社会管理功能发挥的原因包括:多元价值选择的形成、社会结构“松散化”日趋明显、人员流动性增强、个体行为逐利性凸显、应急管理思维的流弊、网络虚拟社会的兴起等。 进一步强化思想政治工作的社会管理功能需要从理念原则、教育内容、方式方法和机制建设等几个层面着手。发挥思想政治工作社会管理功能首先要坚持方向性原则、主体性原则、方法论原则和系统性原则等基本原则,还需要坚持服务为主、管理为辅;科学性与价值性相统一;特殊性与一般性相结合等具体原则。扩大思想政治工作的内容覆盖面,一方面要对传统内容进行精简,另一方面需要增加时代内容,比如中国特色社会主义教育、社会主义核心价值体系教育、新时期利益观念教育等。强化思想政治工作的社会管理功能亟需增强其可操作性,比如通过思想政治工作引领党委、政府、社会组织、人民群众的社会管理理念实现根本性转变;通过思想政治工作加强对流动人口、特殊人群、未成年人、留守群体等特殊群体生存境遇的改善;通过思想政治工作提高对社会风险的应急管理能力,建立重大决策防控机制,完善应急管理的舆论处置机制等;通过思想政治工作推进社会管理事务有序运行,畅通利益诉求表达机制、建立信息搜处机制、健全矛盾纠纷协调机制、完善社会舆论引导机制、优化民主参与决策机制等。
[Abstract]:At present , the Party Central Committee and the State Council have made important arrangements to strengthen and innovate the social management , which has put forward higher demands on the effectiveness of ideological and political work in the new period , and also provides a new platform for the innovation and development of ideological and political work .
The ideological and political work is inseparable from the important practical platform of social management . The ideological and political work must strengthen its effectiveness in the practice of social management in the new period , and show the value of its times .
With the development of the socialist market economy , we have entered into a new period of socialist market economy . With the development of the socialist market economy , we have entered into a new period of building a socialist market economy .
The sociological paradigm of ideological and political work began in the 1990 ' s . Since entering the new century , the social contradictions in our country have become more and more intense , the frequency of social conflicts has taken place , and the cross - study of ideological and political work and sociology has become a hot spot . This paper analyses the scientific connotation , historical experience and lessons , derivative problems and strengthening strategies of the ideological and political work social management function from the perspective of expanding and strengthening the social management function of the ideological and political work , so as to enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political work in the new period .
The research of the social management function of ideological and political work has an objective theoretical basis . The practical subjects of ideological and political work and social management have the identity , the value orientation has the commonality , the action mechanism has the complementarity , the goal points to have consistency . The social management function of ideological and political work includes the social education , the social adjustment , the social integration , the social norm and the social encouragement . The research of strengthening the social management function of ideological and political work is beneficial to the promotion of the sociology paradigm of ideological and political work , and advances the modernization transformation of ideological and political work and the scientific development of social management .
The Communist Party of China ( CPC ) has always stressed the role of ideological and political work in the construction of society and emphasized the role of " fighting bastion " of the grass - roots party organization , and emphasized the social propaganda function of the mass media , and attached great importance to the social demonstration function of the role model . At the same time , our Party has also passed some " curves " , especially in the period of " cultural revolution " , which has caused serious social consequences . From the two sides , we summarize the experience and lessons of our Party in the social management function of ideological and political work . It has positive significance for further strengthening its social management function .
Although western countries do not adopt the term " ideological and political work " , the so - called civic education , political accomplishment education , political socialization and so on all play the function of ideological and political work .
The social management function of ideological and political work has been influenced by a variety of factors , and its influence factors are analyzed deeply . The factors that influence the social management function of ideological and political work have both subjective and objective factors . The main factors include the structure and quality of ideological and political work force and the personality quality structure of the work object . The main factors include the formation of multi - value choice , the " loose " of social structure , the enhancement of the mobility of personnel , the increase of individual behavior , the pros and cons of emergency management thinking , the rise of network virtual society , etc .
Further strengthening the social management function of ideological and political work needs to proceed from several aspects , such as concept principle , educational content , mode method and mechanism construction .
The scientific nature and the value are unified ;
On the one hand , the content coverage of ideological and political work should be enlarged . On the one hand , the traditional content should be simplified , and on the other hand , it is necessary to increase the content of the times , such as the socialism education with Chinese characteristics , the education of the socialist core value system and the education of the interest idea in the new period . The social management function of strengthening ideological and political work needs to strengthen its operability , such as leading Party committees , government , social organizations and the people ' s social management ideas to realize fundamental transformation through ideological and political work .
Strengthen the improvement of the survival situation of special groups such as floating population , special group , minor and left - keeping group through ideological and political work ;
Through ideological and political work to improve the emergency management ability to the social risk , establish a major decision - making control mechanism , and improve the public opinion disposal mechanism of emergency management ;
Through ideological and political work , we should push forward the orderly operation of social management affairs , clear the expression mechanism of interest litigation , establish the mechanism of information search , perfect the coordination mechanism of contradiction dispute , perfect the guiding mechanism of social public opinion , optimize the democratic participation decision - making mechanism , etc .