本文选题:档案局局长 切入点:档案工作 出处:《档案管理》2017年02期
[Abstract]:On January 10, 2017, the provincial archives management assessment meeting was held in Zhengzhou.The meeting was attended by members of the leading group of the Provincial Archives Bureau, the principal responsible persons of the archives departments of the provinces and municipalities directly in charge of counties (cities) and the responsible comrades of the departments of the Provincial Archives Bureau.At the meeting, the heads of the archives departments of the provinces and municipalities directly in charge of the counties (cities) reported on the completion of the objectives of archives work throughout the year 2016.Zhang Rongbin, deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee and director of the provincial archives bureau, has taken objective management as a starting point for all localities to work closely around the central work of the party committee and government, to deepen the construction of the "three systems" and to work for the overall interests of the work and for the economic and social development.Achievements in the service of the people, etc.
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