本文选题:文件 + 档案 ; 参考:《档案学研究》2017年S1期
【摘要】:本文定位于InterPARES Trust Project子项目"云服务提供商合同条款(10-Contract Terms with Cloud Service Providers)"的平行研究。遵循该项目的基本研究思路,结合中国云服务合同的实际状况,从文件档案管理视角,系统分析我国云服务提供商所提供的合同条款内容,为机构使用云服务开展文件档案管理活动提供可资参考的依据。
[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the parallel study of cloud service provider contract terms 10-contract Terms with Cloud Service Providers), a subproject of InterPARES Trust Project. Following the basic research ideas of the project and combining the actual situation of cloud service contracts in China, this paper systematically analyzes the contents of the contract terms provided by cloud service providers in China from the perspective of file management. This paper provides the basis for the organization to use the cloud service to carry out the document file management activities.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学信息资源管理学院;
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