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发布时间:2019-01-29 05:49
[Abstract]:Reviewing relevant studies, and revising and proposing an index system for evaluating the quality of library information sharing space services, which includes 21 indicators at the three levels of "physical space", "information control" and "service effect", and on this basis, By means of questionnaire survey and interview, this paper evaluates the users' usage pattern and satisfaction of the information sharing space of Zhejiang University Library. It is found that the users of the information sharing space are mainly junior undergraduates, and the users are mainly engaged in self-study, using facilities and equipment and group discussion activities to the information sharing space. Information sharing space has been recognized and welcomed by users, but satisfaction needs to be improved. The importance expectation and satisfaction degree of the users to the entity spatial level is the highest, followed by the information control level, and the service effect level is the worst. The shortage of resources and service provision seems to be the bottleneck restricting the development of the information sharing space. It is suggested that the library should reduce noise, effectively isolate the discussion area from the study area, and strengthen the sharing space to promote the promotion of cooperative research and innovation. More importantly, increase the richness and specialization of digital resources and service delivery. Libraries need to explore the mechanism of student associations to participate in operation, to form a daily evaluation culture, and to seek a breakthrough in the system.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学公共管理学院;浙江大学图书馆;
【基金】:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助 浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目“公众需求驱动下的社区信息资源整合研究”(编号:13ZJQN044YB)的研究成果之一


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