[Abstract]:In the magnificent epic of the Chinese nation, the anti-Japanese chapter of the people of Yunnan is an indisputable colorful passage. Yunnan, located in the southwest border of the motherland, was pushed to an extremely important strategic position in the vigorous War of Resistance against Japan, which is not only the rear area, but also the frontline, and is also the outreach channel of the National War of Resistance against Japan. It is also the strategic combination of the world anti-fascist battlefield. The people of Yunnan have lived up to the trust of the times and have written magnificent poems that are proud of posterity with arduous efforts. Rich and heavy files of the War of Resistance against Japan more than 12600 volumes and more than 209000 precious files of the Yunnan Provincial Archives of the War of Resistance against Japan have been fully preserved by the people.
【作者单位】: 云南省档案局(馆);
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