[Abstract]:According to whether the organization is the main responsible organization, the organization is divided into two parts: P1 and P2, according to whether the organization is the main responsible organization according to the sample of 20 institutions that entered the first 1% of ESI material science. By comparing and analyzing the self-citation proportion of P1 and P2, it is found that the self-citation proportion of P1 part of each organization is larger. In recent years, the self-citation number of articles issued by each organization is getting larger and larger, and the excessive self-citation of institutions with small quotations is more serious. Excessive self-citation has resulted in alienation of ESI subject ranking indicators. On the basis of excluding the self-citation of the organization and distinguishing whether the organization is the main responsible organization, this paper designs a new index, the cumulative comprehensive influence (TVF) and the annual new influence (VF (t),. This index can reflect not only the total citation quantity of the mechanism, but also the quality of the other citation literature issued by the organization. This paper empirically analyzes the Pearson correlation of the total citation number of TVF, the total citation number, the average other citation number, the h index of the citation literature, the total other citation number of his citation literature, and finds that the total citation number in this sample has lost the index value. There is no significant correlation between the total citation number and the average citation number and the h index of the citation literature. The correlation between TVF and the average citation number and Pearson index of h index in citation literature is strong, which indicates that the new index can correct the alienation of ESI subject ranking index.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学图书馆;
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