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发布时间:2018-05-18 02:14

  本文选题:俄罗斯 + 民族 ; 参考:《首都师范大学》2004年硕士论文

【摘要】:“掌握一种语言意味着掌握一种文化”的思想虽然早已提出,但针对语言自身的文化性进行专门研究近年来才开始受到重视。有关语言与民族性格之间的关系方面的研究也刚刚起步。由民族性格特征来探讨民族语言特色的研究在国内外都还不算多,目前大多数的研究是从词汇—语义的层面进行的,而事实上,“和语言单位的内容平面一样,其表达平面同样也能体现出鲜明的民族文化特色”,即:语言的各个层次:包括语音、词汇、语法(词法、句法、构词)等都有可能包含着操该语言民族的民族文化特征。“各民族的语言有各自文化属性上的特点,语言结构系统和言语运用表现上的差异与民族文化的差异有一定程度的关联。”俄罗斯是一个情感性突出的民族,本文试图从俄语的语法层面来探讨俄罗斯民族的丰富情感性在语言中留下的烙印。 本研究具有一定的新意及现实的意义。从理论的角度讲,作者通过从文化到语言的视角,对俄语中一些情感表达的语法手段进行分析、研究,试图探讨俄罗斯文化对形成俄语语言特色的某些影响,从另一个角度来证实语言国情学家的理论,为语言国情学的研究提供一份素材。其次,从实践的角度来说,这个研究可以用来促进俄语教学:使学生更好地了解俄罗斯的民族特点以及俄语区别于其它语言的一些突出特点,必然能够加强学生们的语言意识,使他们对俄语有更加直观的认识,同时,为他们在交际活动中提供相应的知识准备, 我们学习外语,是为了了解这个民族的文化和人、达到跨文化交际的目的,但我们不必也不可能对所有的人与事逐一地亲身进行体验和认识,我们可以借助简便的途径,即:通过了解具有相同特征的一群人或某个民族所具有的一定形象来使我们的交际达到顺畅,这种群体的形象就是民族性格。具体而言,,“民族性格是一个民族独特的情感风貌、思维、行为方式、恒定的民族传统习惯特征,它在物质生活和历史发展的影响下形成并体现在民族文化特色之中。”语言既然是民族文化的一面镜子,它必然也可以反映民族性格,民族性格作为富有特色的文化现象,也会对语言产生某种规约作用,形成不同的语言特色。作为精神文化的一个层面,民族性格与语言的关系同文化与语言的关系是一致的。 本文选取了俄罗斯民族性格中一个非常突出的情感性特征作为视角,来透视俄罗斯民族丰富的内心世界、他们的喜怒哀乐及对客观世界的认识。许多学者都发现,俄罗斯民族的情感性是其性格的突出特点。本文力求通过这一突出的性格特点在语言中的反映(主要体现在表现情感的语法手段丰富)来探求俄语语言的文化特色—“情感丰富的语言”,从而再次证明语言与文化的密切关系。本文的理论基础是语言国情学。 俄罗斯民族性格中情感性的特征不仅表现在人们的行为中,它和俄语语言中的情感表达手段也有着某种程度的关联,作为精神文化的重要部分,这一民族性格特征将语言朝着 俄罗斯民族的情感性 在俄语某些语法范畴中的体现 情感性方向发展,在俄语中形成了相应的规则,如:名词的性、情感表现后缀、人称的特 殊形式Tbl一B曰中叩M。等;另一方面,俄罗斯人在学习语言时,也不知不觉学习其文化的情 感表达规则和趋向,语言引导着人以特定的方式表达自己的感情,也引导他去发展自己的 感情,使俄罗斯人对自己的感情表达更为敏感、感受更为敏锐,也变得更加情感丰富。这 个结论再次印证了语言与文化的密切关系。 俄罗斯民族对客观世界的独特认知、他们丰富的情感性特点在名词的性的范畴中都得 到了充分的体现。利用名词性的拟人化特征描述周围的世界、抒发情感己经成了俄罗斯文 学的一个传统, ”Tb卜Bbl”中叩Mb;又是俄语中比较特殊的情感表达方式,它不仅仅是反映出人称关系、 指代出交际的对象(第二人称单、复数)的交际称谓形式,还充分表现出说话者与交际对 象的亲疏、等级等社会角色关系,更在具体的语境中表达极其细腻、丰富的感情色彩,特 别是对话过程中T。一B‘:的转换,更附载了丰富的语用信息。 俄语中存在着多种不同的后缀形式,特别是一些构形后缀,它们并不具有什么固定的 词义,而只是给予这些词以不同的感情色彩,充分表达出说话者的主观感受或情感态度, 主要用于名词和形容词中。这些指小、表爱、指大、表卑后缀可以传达出各种各样的情感: 喜爱、同情、讽刺、藐视、仇恨等等。本文着重分析了人名的情感表现力后缀。 虽然几乎所有的语言中都会用感叹号来表达强烈的情感,但俄语中感叹号的使用似乎 己达到了“夸张”、“滥用”的地步,还常常两个、三个感叹号一起连用来表达情感。和英 语相比,俄语中感叹号的使用频率要高得多,反过来说,这种符号也强化了俄罗斯人的情 感,大量、频繁地使用这种情感表达工具,也会使俄罗斯人变得更加易于宣泄情感。 以语法形态手段来表达主观情感虽然并非俄语的专利,但俄语独特的个性特点在于: 这些情感表现手段的大量存在,它们在语言尤其是日常言语中起非常积极活跃的作用。通
[Abstract]:" Mastering a language means that the idea of a culture " has long been put forward , but the research on the cultural nature of the language itself has only begun . The study on the relationship between the language and the national character has just begun .

From the point of view of culture to language , the author analyzes the grammatical means of some emotion expression in Russian , and attempts to explore the influence of Russian culture on the formation of Russian language features .

We learn a foreign language to understand the culture and people of this nation , achieve the aim of cross - cultural communication , but we don ' t have to be able to experience and understand all the people and things one by one . The image of this group is the national character .

This paper selects one of the most prominent emotional features of Russian national character as the angle of view to see the rich inner world of the Russian nation , their anger and sorrow and the understanding of the objective world . Many scholars have found that the feeling of Russian nationality is the prominent feature of its character . This article tries to explore the cultural characteristics of Russian language by means of this prominent character in the language ( mainly embodied in the rich language of expressing emotion ) , thus again proving the close relationship between language and culture . The theoretical basis of this paper is language national condition .

The emotional expression in Russian language is not only manifested in people ' s behavior , but also has a certain degree of association with the expression of emotion in Russian language as an important part of spiritual culture .

the feelings of the Russian people

The Embodiment of Some grammatical categories in Russian

In the sense of emotional development , corresponding rules are formed in Russian , such as the sex of the noun , the suffix of the emotion expression , and the person ' s special .

On the other hand , when the Russians were studying the language , they did not know how to learn their culture

Expression rules and trends , language guides people express their feelings in a specific way , and guides him to develop his own .

The feeling that the Russians are more sensitive to their feelings , more acute and more emotional .

The conclusion reconfirms the close relationship between language and culture .

The unique cognition of the Russian nationality to the objective world , their rich emotional characteristics are all in the category of nouns .

By using the personification features of nouns to describe the surrounding world , the lyricism has become Russian .

one tradition of learning ,

" Tb Bu Bbl " is a special expression of emotion in Russian , not only to reflect the person - person relationship , but also to be a special expression of emotion in Russian .

It refers to the communicative competence form of the communicative object ( the second person , the plural ) , and also shows the speaker and the communication pair well .

The relationship of social roles , such as affinity , rank and so on , expresses extremely fine and rich emotional color in a specific context .

Don ' t be the T . A B ' in the conversation process . It ' s more attached with rich pragmatic information . There are a variety of different suffix formats in Russian , especially some configuration fixes , which do not have any fixed The word meaning , rather than giving these words in different emotional colors , fully expresses the subjective feeling or emotional attitude of the speaker , Mainly used in terms of nouns and adjectives . These refer to small , table love , meaning big , inferiority suffix can convey various feelings : Love , compassion , irony , contempt , hatred , etc . This article focuses on the analysis of the emotional expression of human name . While almost all languages use exclamation marks to express strong feelings , the use of exclamation marks in Russian seems to be It has reached the point of " exaggeration " and " abuse " , and often two , three exclamation points are often used to express emotions . The use frequency of the exclamation mark in Russian is much higher than that in Russian , which also strengthens the Russian sentiment . The feeling , the use of such an emotional expression tool in a large and frequent manner will also make it easier for Russians to vent their feelings . Although it is not a Russian patent to express subjective feelings by means of grammatical form , the unique characteristics of Russian are as follows : The great presence of these emotional expressions that play a very active role in language , especially in everyday speech .


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6 赵爱国;言语交际中的民族文化定型[J];中国俄语教学;2001年04期




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