[Abstract]:The abnormal fluctuation of oyster price will damage people's consumption desire, bring losses to farmers and ultimately affect the sustainable and healthy development of oyster industry. It is necessary to accurately warn and control the oyster price. Based on the average shell wholesale price of Hong Kong oyster from 2011-2016 in Guangdong and Guangzhou region, the catastrophic grey model is used to predict the risk of oyster price. The fitting results show that the basic model can not be used to predict the abnormal fluctuation of oyster price, and it is necessary to introduce the third-party influence factor CPI index to optimize the model. The forecast results show that if the stakeholders do not act, the oyster prices in 2020 and 2021 may have abnormal fluctuations, and the disaster warning and supervision of the abnormal fluctuations of oyster prices should be made.
【作者单位】: 广东海洋大学管理学院;中国海洋大学水产学院;
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