Chapter 1 Introduction
In simple terms, a freshman in the first semester is different from the other phases.They are facing a new environment and psychological preparing for the college Englishtest Band 4 or other tests, contrasting the state before the university entrance exam takesan exam. In high school, students’ learning objectives are college entrance examination,teaching contents are relatively simple, mainly basic knowledge of English in teaching,such as grammar, sentence patterns, reading exercises; Parents and teachers supervisestudents’ learning which are also arranged by teachers. Students are short of autonomyand self-efficacy. Without the pressure of college entrance examination, collegeteaching emphasizes autonomy learning, paying attention to increase the ability ofvocabulary as well as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Whereas differentlearning environment, learning goals, motivation and teaching methods have made highschool and college learning intentionally or unintentionally separate. Therefore, ittriggers disadvantaged linkage in two different links of one process, interferes thesmooth transition of university.The transition of English teaching of different levels has attracted numerouseducators, and various fields have been covered by their research papers. Ning (2006)compares teaching objectives and teaching syllabus of the two stages, discussing howto transit English teaching from high school to university. In addition, Luo (2008) drawsattention to students’ own factors which relate to lack of motives and satisfaction inEnglish study which may result in the poor transition.This thesis aims to study the transition of English teaching from high school tocollege, and to improve college English teaching. The focus of the research is onwhether the English teaching transition from high school to college is effective andsmooth. To investigate this problem, there are some sub-problems needed to answer.The sub-problems are: Are the teaching materials that provide the guidelines to theteaching consistent with each other? What is the college English teachers’understanding of curriculum and freshmen? How do freshmen feel about the transitionfrom senior middle school to college?
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Related Study at Home and Abroad
The improvement and reform of English teaching have been a hot issue since1990s, which has been conducted throughout academic circles at the same time.Studying the transitions of English teaching of different stages triggered a great deal ofattention of numerous English teachers and educators. Scholars have accomplished alot in the research on the transition from primary school to middle school, yet few ofthem from middle school to college.For the first part, Chen Shiyin (2002) published a research report that introducedthe transition of English teaching from primary school to middle school, initiating somegood ideas and opinions on the reform of traditional teaching. In his researches, heproposed this period of English teaching should be implemented step by step, forexample, form phrases, sentence pattern to conversations and then to short passage.On the transition of English teaching from junior middle schools to senior highschools, Shu Dingfang (Shu, 2004) pointed out that there seemed to be a large transitiongap in English teaching from junior middles school to senior high school, whichattracted a lot of interests. When it comes to the study of the transition of Englishteaching from senior high school to college, until now no satisfactory outcome hasturned out.On the other hand, many articles discuss transition of English curriculum fromhigh school to college. In related master degree thesis, Tian Jianbo (2005) emphasizedthe teaching material, the cohesion of the reading teaching strategy and learning strategy, the textteaching evaluation, giving suggestion on the cohesion of senior high schooland college English text teaching. On the transition of English teaching from seniorhigh school to college school, Gao Ping (2004) published in journal of Nin BoUniversity (Educational Science), pointing out the senior English teaching textbooksare the straightforward in China, most of them are crystallized by People’s EducationPress. On the contrary, college English materials are much more flexible; nowadaysteachers are available to various textbooks. The teaching materials are meticulouslyselected, and they are written in modern, vivid language about daily life.2.2 The Definition of Reading Teaching and Transition
According to the definitions of dictionaries, we can find several explanations oftransition as follows: “Transition means changing, change from one condition or set ofcircumstances to another “(Oxford Advanced Learning’s Dictionary of Current Englishwith Chinese Translation); “Transition means (an act of) changing or passing from onestage, subject, or place to another.” (Longman Dictionary of American English).However, in the field of education, there is no standard definition of the word“transition”, mostly appearing in curriculum organization. Cohesion is the importantfactor of optimizing curriculum structure; curriculum organization also reflects thedemand of the coherent in the teaching process, step by step.From the linguistic point of view, many scholars redefined “English text”, called“discourse” which regards communication as its purpose. Foreign scholars based on theconcept of discourse, emphasizing “discourse power” further. For instance, Canale andSwain separated communicative competence into four parts: grammar ability, sociallanguage ability, language ability and strategy ability in 1980.The “reading teaching” in this paper is different from the above discussion, because from the perspective of linguistics, discourse ability means grouping sentencesinto articles. After obtaining this ability, students can read certain difficult texts quicklyand effectively. In this paper, the English reading teaching is actually close to thetraditional sense of text teaching, which includes: learning contents of the text, newwords, phrases, sentence patterns, grammar knowledge and exercises; reading teachingmethods of high school and college; comparison of reading teaching of the two stages;the effect of repetition rate of text words on reading teaching transition; Comparison ofskills training and text knowledge input of high school and college. Based on thedefinition of “reading teaching”, this thesis introduces the following files and theoriesas the theoretical basis.Chapter 3 Methodology .............13
3.1 Subjects of the Research .............133.2 The Instruments of the Research......13
3.3 Procedures of the Research.......14
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion.........15
4.1 A Comparative Analysis of Textbooks....15
4.1.1 Input Knowledge of Senior English Textbook and Skills TrainingRequirements ........15
4.1.2 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Senior English teaching material ..20
4.1.3 Input Knowledge of college English Textbook and Skills TrainingRequirements ............21
4.1.4 The Advantages and Disadvantages of College English teaching material 27
4.2 Analysis of Reading teaching Cohesion Gap.................28
4.2.1 A comparison of vocabulary difficulty level..................28
4.2.2 A comparison of Text Setting..............28
4.3 Data Collection and Analysis.................31
4.3.1 Data Collected from Teacher Questionnaire ...........31
4.3.2 Data Collected from Student Questionnaire .........34
4.3.3 Interview Results .............35
Chapter 5 Conclusion...........38
5.1 Major Findings.............38
5.2 Suggestions ....................39
5.2.1 Suggestions to Teachers ..............39
5.2.2 Suggestions to Students .........42
5.2 Limitations of this study ..............43
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
4.1 A Comparative Analysis of Textbooks
As for grammar, this unit mainly reviews the noun clause, including the subjectclause, predicative clause and the object clauses. In the teaching material, the editorwanted to make the students realize the function of the noun clause in the sentence. Thepurpose is to help students review this grammar phenomenon through asking them tofind noun clauses in the passage. However, the noun clause has been learned in the thirdvolume, the editor presents the original sentences of the noun clause in the text, andthen selects three exercises to consolidate the grammar in this unit.In terms of cultural aspect, due to the theme of this unit, it mainly introduces howCalifornia has evolved into the area that has many cultural elements. For example, thispart introduces the geographical location, religion, gold rush history of the California,the famous spots of the state and so on. As for the grammar, this unit mainly studies PresentPerfect Continuous Tense.Teaching material presents the sentences in the text first, next let the students find moresimilar sentence, and then ask the students to learn more about the grammar on page94.In the aspect of culture input, the topic of this unit is about the Chinese history of“Peking man”. In the annotation part, the time and the meaning of finding the Pekingman site was introduced, also a Chinese prehistoric archaeologists Pei Wenzhong’s life.To delve into the senior English teaching in listening, speaking, reading andwriting, the author refined the skills training requirements of each unit, as follows。
4.2 Analysis of Reading teaching Cohesion Gap
As we can see from the table, level 4 words of senior textbook account for 59%,while level 4 of Practical English only take 42%. At the same time, the proportion oflevel 6 of Practical English accounts for 11%, it is less than level 6 words of seniortextbook. These results precisely show that the vocabulary of senior textbook is moredifficult than Practical English, which is an obvious inversion phenomenon. From the perspectiveof the compilation of teaching materials, the major problemsthat affect the reading teaching transition are:Text length of Senior English teaching materials is slightly longer, comparing withfreshmen English teaching text. The length of the article is one of an indicator of thedifficultydegree, if the college teaching material based on high school does not have acorresponding increase, then students would find it has no significant improvement onthe difficulty degree aspect.Many words and phrases of freshmen teaching material repeated with seniorteaching material. What’s more, lots of mastered words in high school are still listed incollege textbook. Here is a table clearly presents the repeated words and phrasesbetween the eighth volume of New Senior English and the first volume of PracticalEnglish........
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
Through the summary of the results of the study, the author draws the followingconclusions:In the initial stage of the University, the teachers know little about the freshman’sknowledge level. Therefore, it is suggested that the appropriate amount of high schoolknowledge should transmitted to college teachers, in order to prepare for the transitionof the two stages.Form the cohesion of the text, the textbooks are edited very well in terms ofvocabulary, but the high school teaching material should reduce text numbersappropriately because of the capacity and difficulty of the texts. Also in order to avoidhigh requirements which are beyond their actual knowledge level. According toKrashen’s theory of language learning input hypothesis, the author believes that thecontents of college students should be improved, and the depth of English grammarteaching should be improved, and the pertinence of the design and the text should beimproved. In the selection of the topic in the textbooks, we should avoid the repetitionof high school textbooks’, selecting topics which are more ideological as well asprofound.In the teaching method of the text, the emphasis of the teaching should transferfrom the traditional emphasis on words and sentence pattern analysis to the teachingfrom the perspective of teaching. Not only helping students learn the superficialknowledge of language, but teachers need pay attention to cultivate students’ ability tounderstand and master the text from the perspective of discourse. Teaching contentsshould also be increased about English culture, national conditions and customs andother aspects of knowledge, helping students build a strong cultural awareness andbroadening the horizons of students.
5.2 Suggestions
Due to the limitation of objective conditions and the level of the author, there arestill some limitations and shortcomings in this study. For example:The study sample is too small, the surveyed freshman students in the questionnaireare only in the province of the second batch of undergraduate colleges. The investigatedhigh school is only limited to one high school, which cannot fully cover the cohesionof English reading teaching in Anhui province, let alone the status.The method of data processing and analysis is relatively simple, and the statisticsof the questionnaire is manually calculated with low efficiency.Comparative analysis on the characteristics of college and high school Englishtextbooks is still not deep enough. Analysis of the characteristics of high schooltextbooks use mainly on the basis of the seventh, eighth book, and of college Englishtextbooks only choose first, second copies of the 21st Century Practical College English.Only choosing one version of the textbooks will inevitably have limitations because ofdifferent majors in different schools.In future research, the author suggests:Larger study sample is needed, the investigation related to the number and rangeof schools should be more widely. The scope of the future researches should not belimited to college freshman in one college, but in different colleges and universities, sothat the survey results are more broadly representative.The more advanced statistical methods are preferred. The statistics of thequestionnaire can use more advanced statistical software such as SPSS to deal with, sothat not only can calculate each selected option, also make the project more convincing.In the comparison of the characteristics of the two levels’ teaching materials insenior high school and University, other versions of the textbooks should be chosen aswell.........