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    Information for Authors

    The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology (IJCEP, ISSN 1936-2625) is an open access online journal dedicated to
    publication of original work in all areas of clinical, anatomic and experimental pathology. IJCEP also welcomes papers from other fields related
    to the study of human disease, such as immunology, biochemistry and molecular biology. IJCEP is primarily devoted to original clinical,
    translational and experimental research papers, but will also publish editorials, review articles, case reports, letters to the editors and meeting
    reports. The goal of IJCEP is to provide a free forum for rapid dissemination of clinical and basic observations that will enhance our
    understanding, diagnosis and management of human disease.


    General Policy

    All manuscripts are submitted with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere (except in the form of an abstract or as part
    of a published lecture or thesis) and are not currently under consideration for publication by another journal. It is the responsibility of the
    corresponding author to ensure that all authors have contributed to, read and approved the final manuscript for submission. The authors
    should keep a copy of manuscript submitted in case of revision, rejection, loss or damage. Receipt of manuscript will be acknowledged and a
    decision regarding acceptance made as soon as possible. Accepted manuscripts may be subject to editorial revision without notice.

    Peer Review Policy

    All manuscripts are subject to peer review and are expected to meet the rigorous standards of academic excellence. The authors should
    provide up to five potential peer reviewers with detailed contact information including e-mail address. These should be experts in their field of
    study, who will be able to provide an objective assessment of the manuscript. If not provided, potential reviewers will be identified by their
    publication record or recommended by the Editorial Board members. Recommended reviewers who have been a coauthor with the
    corresponding author within five years prior to manuscript submission will not be used.

    Copyright Policy

    By submitting a manuscript to IJCEP, all authors agree that all copyrights of all materials included in the submitted manuscript will be
    exclusively transferred to the publisher - e-Century Publishing Corporation once the manuscript is accepted.

    Once the paper is published, the copyright will be released by the publisher under the “). Authors and readers are granted the right to freely use these files for all academic purposes. By publishing paper in this journal,
    the authors grant the permanent right to the publisher to use any articles published in this journal without any restriction including, but not
    limited to academic and/or commercial purposes. If you are interested in using PDF, html, XML files or any art works published in this journal
    for any commercial purposes, please contact the publisher at business@e-century.org.

    Use of Human Tissue and/or Animal Policy

    Experiments involving human subjects should be in accord with the ethical standards established by the institution or in accord with the
    Helsinki Declaration, or the guidelines of Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) Human Subject Protections. For studies involved
    human subjects, when informed consent has been obtained it should be indicated in the manuscript.

    Experiments involving animals should follow the institution or the National Research Council guide for the care and use of laboratory animals.

    Units and Abbreviations

    System International (SI) units should be used for all measurements. All abbreviations should be explicitly defined at their first occurrence
    except for those internationally acceptable.


    While the advice and information in the article are believed to be true and accurate on the date of its going to press, neither the authors nor the
    editors can accept any legal responsibilities for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publication makes no warranty, expressed or
    implied, with respect to the materials contained within.

    PREPARATION OF MANUSCRIPT (Download Sample Manuscript for IJCEP)

    All manuscripts should be written in standard grammatical English using computer software, arranged in the following order and saved as
    single DOC (Word) file including all components of the manuscript:

    1. cover letter
    2. title page
    3. abstract and keywords
    4. main text
    5. acknowledgements, if any
    6. references
    7. tables, if any
    8. figure legends, if any
    9. figures, if any

    All texts including tables must be in Franklin Gothic Book normal Font, size 10 with single space between lines.

    Cover Letter

    The cover letter should include name, degree, address, telephone, fax and email of the corresponding author. A statement that all authors have
    contributed to, read and approved the final manuscript for submission should be included if there are multiple authors. Any editorial or financial
    conflict of interest (e.g., consultancy, stock ownership, equity interests, patent or licensing agreements) should be clearly disclosed in the cover
    letter. The disclosure statement must be submitted upon the acceptance.

    Title Page

    The title page should include:
    1. A concise title;
    2. First name, middle initial, and last name of each author, along with his or her highest academic degree;
    3. Name of the department and institutional affiliation of each author;
    4. A short Running Title for the paper;
    5. Corresponding author and contact information including e-mail address;
    6. Acknowledgement including sources of financial support for the work, if any;
    7. Declaration of Conflict of Interest.

    Abstract and Keywords

    The abstract should not exceed 250 words that concisely summarize the study’s purpose, significant findings and conclusions. Include up to 6
    keywords or phrases at the end of the abstract. Each keyword should be separated by a comma.

    Main Text

    The main text should include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. The Introduction should be succinct, clearly stating
    the purpose and rationale of the study. In Materials and Methods, the procedures should be described in sufficient detail to allow duplication by
    an independent observer. Results and Discussion may be combined or divided. They should be written concisely and logically with emphasis
    on novel findings.


    All acknowledgements (if any) should be included at the end of the main text before references and may include grant and administrative

    References (Please download EndNote X Style or Reference Manager Output Style for IJCEP)

    Reference published in IJCEP should begin on a new page, be double-spaced and numbered in order of citation in the text, including citations
    in tables and figure legends. Complete author citation is required (use of "et al" is not acceptable). References should conform to the style of
    the Journal. Examples follow:

    Journals: [1] Krishnan B and Truong LD. Renal epithelial neoplasms: the diagnostic implications of electron microscopic study in 55 cases.
    Hum Pathol 2002; 33: 68-79.

    Books: Fishman AP: Pulmonary Hypertension and Cor Pulmonale. Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders. Edited by Fishman AP. New York,
    McGraw-Hill, 1988, pp. 999-1048

    Web sites: Cite in text only with an active weblink and keep such links minimum.

    In press: To be used only for papers accepted for publication. Cite as for journal with (in press) in place of volume and page numbers.

    Submitted papers/unpublished data: Cite in text only.


    All tables should be cited consecutively in the main text by Arabic numbers (Table 1, Table 2, etc). Type each table with a descriptive title on a
    separate page after the references. Provide explanations for any nonstandard abbreviations in footnotes to the table.

    Figure Legends

    Figure legends including figure number, a short title and detailed description should be embedded at the end of text file.


    All figures should be cited consecutively in the main text by Arabic numbers (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc). All figures must be prepared at 600dpi
    and embedded in the Word File at the end of the manuscript. If the single Word File is too large to be submitted by e-mail, then
    figures can be submitted in TIFF or JPEG format with a resolution at 600 dpi as separate files labeled with the corresponding numbers. If
    figures have to be submitted separately from Word File of text, a PDF file that includes all components of the manuscript including figures has
    to be submitted at the same time. Photographs of a person should render them unidentifiable or include their written permission.

    Supplemental data: From Volume 3, 2010, supplemental data is no longer allowed. Author should keep any such data and provide to readers
    if requested.

    Publication Fee

    International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology is an open access journal which provides instant, worldwide and barrier-free
    access to the full-text of all published articles. Publishing Fee allows the publisher to make the published material available for free to all
    interested online readers.

    Publishing fee is $1180 for each paper that is below ten printed pages, and $100/page for each additional page which will be billed to the
    corresponding author. There is no extra charge for color figures. Authors who cannot afford to pay this publication fee can apply for a reduced
    fee by submitting a letter signed by the departmental chair to state the need of such discount. Editorial decisions are not contingent upon the
    ability to pay publication charges.

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