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发布时间:2018-05-04 09:25

  本文选题:期刊数据库 + 期刊 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2004年硕士论文

【摘要】:期刊数据库是一种重要的信息源。由于覆盖学科范围广,学术性高,内容稳定,文章收录全,出版规律,它受到了广大用户的好评,也给各数据库公司带来了良好的经济效益。我国的期刊数据库行业近年来繁荣发展,出现了清华同方、重庆维普、万方三家大型的期刊数据库生产企业。然而,版权问题一直没有得到很好的解决。近年来,随着权利人著作权意识的提高,有关期刊数据库的版权诉讼开始出现。 本文以知识产权法学理论和期刊数据库工作的实践为基础,针对期刊数据库版权问题的特殊性,对其版权关系逐层分析,提出了在期刊数据库建设各阶段中有效可行的版权策略,并探讨了著作权使用费的利益分配问题。最后,从用户角度讨论了签订期刊数据库使用合同以及使用期刊数据库时的注意事项。 全文共分四个部分。 1.解决期刊数据库版权问题的理论基础与立场。该部分提出了期刊数据库是汇编作品的汇编这样一个基本论点,,对期刊数据库版权关系进行了层次分析,并在对国内外相关案例进行分析的基础之上,提出了解决我国的期刊数据库版权问题应该注意各方利益的平衡并坚持程序节约的原则。 2.期刊数据库建设过程中的版权问题。通过逐一分析期刊社与作者、数据库商与期刊社、数据库商与原文作者的版权关系提出了在期刊数据库建设各阶段中有效可行的版权策略,并探讨了著作权使用费的利益分配问题。 3.期刊数据库许可使用过程中的版权问题。本章主要从用户角度讨论在购买使用数据库的过程中应如何与数据库商签订合同,以及如何采取措施避免数据库使用中的侵权。 4.结论。本章对全文进行简单回顾,得出结论,并对结论进行探讨,希望能对我国的期刊数据库著作权立法提供一些有益的启示,能给期刊数据库生产者和使用者提供一定的借鉴。
[Abstract]:The periodical database is an important source of information . Due to the wide range of covering disciplines , high academic performance , stable content , the collection and publishing of the articles , it is well received by the vast majority of users and brings good economic benefits to the database companies . However , the issue of copyright has not been solved well in recent years . However , the copyright issue has not been solved well . In recent years , with the improvement of the copyright consciousness of the rights , the copyright litigation of the periodical database begins to appear .

Based on the theory of intellectual property law and the practice of periodical database work , this paper analyzes the copyright of periodical database according to the particularity of the copyright of periodical database , and puts forward the effective and feasible copyright policy in the stage of periodical database construction , and discusses the distribution of interests of copyright royalty .

The full text is divided into four parts .

1 . To solve the theoretical foundation and position of the issue of periodical database copyright , this part puts forward that the periodical database is a basic point of compiling the compilation of the works , analyzes the copyright relation of the periodical database , and puts forward the principle that the copyright of the periodical database should pay attention to the balance of the interests of the parties and adhere to the procedure saving .

2 . Copyright question in the process of periodical database construction . By analyzing the copyright relation between periodical news agency and author , database quotient and periodical society , database quotient and original author , this paper puts forward effective and feasible copyright policy in every stage of periodical database construction , and discusses the issue of profit distribution of copyright royalty .

3 . The issue of copyright in the use of database license is discussed in this chapter . This chapter mainly discusses how to sign the contract with the database vendor during the purchase of database and how to take measures to avoid infringement in database usage .

4 . Conclusion This chapter makes a brief review of the whole text , draws a conclusion , and discusses the conclusion , hoping to provide some useful inspiration to the copyright legislation of the periodical database of our country , which can provide some reference for the producers and users of the periodical database .



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