[Abstract]:In the past, almost all the provincial literary publications based on their own province for the guidelines. This is because: the publication is compiled in the provinces, the funds from the province, by the provincial propaganda department leadership, plus other conditions, can not be "based on the province." The so-called "establishing a foothold in this province" means, first of all, focusing on the development of literary and artistic undertakings in this province, and devoting itself to the discovery and cultivation of new literary talents in this region, in particular, relying mainly on the authors of the region to run the publications well. In a word, the region is the basis for the survival and development of the journal. The publication is rooted in the soil of the region, which is very beneficial to the development of literary talents and literary undertakings in this region, and it can also make the publication have rich local characteristics. However, if the local leadership can be overrun and the editor's horizon is narrow, it is easy to close the door, and lack of communication with the outside world, resulting in the publication being blocked and backward, and hindering the development of literary and artistic undertakings in the region. In the past, many provincial journals had such defects. It is the wind of opening up and reform that has changed the situation. In the past few years, various provincial publications have changed their names one after another, striving to break the original regional boundaries, expand the scope of composition, strengthen contacts and exchanges with other countries, emphasize facing the whole country, and strive to make the publications nationwide. This reform is to be welcomed, should be fully affirmed, many publications have also achieved some results.
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