1. Introduction
1.1 Research Background
To judge the success of an English class, the lead-in of the classroom plays a veryimportant role. Lead-in is the first step in the English class, which needs very short time,usually only five minutes or so, but it plays a vital role in the concentration of students andthe transfer of interest in learning.English Curriculum Standard (trial)(2011) (hereafter referred to as Standard) mentionsthat the general goal of English course in the stage of compulsory education is to enablestudents to form the preliminary comprehensive language ability, promote mentaldevelopment. Teachers should pay special attention to the students' cognitive level, learninginterest and life experience in curriculum design. As for different types of classes Standardprovides the corresponding classroom activities and emphasize that listening, speakingreading, writing, mainly various types of courses should have a clear purpose and canstimulate the students' learning motivation and interest to pave the way for the presentation ofnew lessons. It can be seen that Standard pay more attention to the students' cognition andinterest, which requires teachers to effectively prepare for new lesson, design classroomactivities reasonably to stimulate students' thinking and cultivate students' interest. Lead-in ispart of the preparation of the new lesson. This requires in high school English classroomteachers should pay more attention to whether students really participate in various classroomactivities, teachers can quickly attract the attention of students in a short time, so that studentshave a certain enthusiasm to the classroom teaching, but also there is an effective interactionbetween teachers and students. Teaching can be smoothly carried out. Xia Jimei (2006), ascholar in China, thinks that teachers should explore with the students in the classroom,discover and exchange knowledge. In this process, the teacher is the guide of learning, and thestudents are the practitioners of knowledge, the participants of the course and have greatautonomy. Teaching is to help students to construct new knowledge through effective lead-in;the teachers and students participate in the construction of knowledge together, obtain basicskills and emotional experience in the real situation, promote the development of the studentscomprehensively so that the teachers’ teaching, students' study and the relationship betweenteachers and students can get better.In our country, the students' knowledge is realized through classroom teaching. The mainpurpose of classroom teaching is to transform the knowledge acquired by students into ability.
1.2 Significance of the Study
Lead-in is the most basic part in classroom teaching. It does not take much time, but has a great effect on improving the efficiency of the classroom teaching, which is of significanceto stimulate students' interest in learning. Lead-in will affect the classroom teaching inachieving the goal of improving the quality of classroom teaching. In a class, if lead-in isdesigned very well, the learning atmosphere in the classroom can be created in a very shorttime, and greatly arouse the enthusiasm of the students in learning English, make themquickly integrate into the new classroom teaching, and then improve the efficiency of thewhole English classroom teaching. On the contrary, if a teacher’s lead-in method is not properand always appears in a template, lead-in can’t stimulate enthusiasm of students' learning. Ifthings go on like this, the students will have a tired mood, and students’ interest in learningwill gradually reduce, which will form a passive learning situation and affect the efficiency ofthe whole classroom learning.So far, although there have been a lot of theoretical researches about lead-in methods,the specific implementation of lead-in in the classroom is rare. So the author will carry out asurvey on lead-in to know whether teachers attach the importance to lead-in part, what typesof lead-in teachers usually adopt and what attitudes they have about lead-in. The author hopesto make senior high English teachers realize the importance while they are designing a lessonand try their best to improve efficiency of classroom teaching.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Introduction of Lead-in
In the 1970s, Turney (1975) pointed out that the lead-in is the first part of Englishclassroom teaching, aiming to convey learning objectives and help students to have a goodmental state in the study. Willis (1996) divided the task-based classroom into three steps:before task, task and post task. Classroom lead-in belongs to the pre task. Completing theclassroom lead-in needs nearly 5 minutes in the process of classroom teaching, which is tocomplete the task before the implementation of the preparation stage. Arends (2000) definesthe lead-in as the first part of the teaching process, which is a kind of teaching skill for theteacher to establish the communicative relationship between the learner and the information tobe presented. Domestic scholar Sun Miantao (2000) believes that the lead-in is not only an art,but also a science. It has the same aesthetic characteristics, visual characteristics, emotionalcharacteristics, flexibility and creativity as other arts. Not only is the lead-in affected by theobjective factors such as environment and time, but also by the teacher's knowledge level,life experience and other subjective factors. Xiao Rong (2001) refers to the lead-in is that theteacher teaches new knowledge before the 3 - 5 minutes of a teaching activity. Yuan Changbin(2002) believes that the skill of lead-in is a kind of teaching method for teachers to use theteaching method of setting up the situation in the new class for the purpose of attracting theattention of students, stimulating interest, clearing learning objectives, forming learningmotivation and establishing knowledge links.Li Ruiling (2008) believes that lead, is “shows the way” as well as “leads the way”.Therefore English lead-in is the teacher guides the student to enter the gate of English study,what’s more, the teacher lead the student to have a clear idea about new content. It is ateaching activity that lets the student know the teaching content, learning objectives, learningmethods, learning expectation, and the need of participation for learners.
2.2 Theoretical Basis
Psychological constructivism is also called structuralism. It is the further development ofcognitive psychology, whose representative is Piaget. The core content of the theory issummarized that the teaching mode is mainly to promote the students' active exploration anddiscovery of knowledge and the active construction of knowledge. Psychologicalconstructivism holds that teachers play in teaching process: the role of instructor, facilitator,helper, participants and organizers and teachers can have certain learning environmentelements such as scene, conversation, cooperation, and so on, so that the students' initiative,creativity and enthusiasm are performed fully and the students can construct the currentknowledge effectively.in the traditional teaching mode students are instilled, and now theteaching model of psychological constructivism has undergone significant changes, thestudents have become the active construction of knowledge and the body of informationprocessing. The classroom teaching has changed the traditional "cramming" teaching mode,but considers students as the center. The teaching material is no longer a rigid material, butthe content of the students' active construction. The teaching method of constructivism isstudent centered learning under the guidance of teachers. It emphasizes the cognitive role of students in the whole learning process, but does not ignore the leading role of teachers.Wu Guiling (1999) refers to Piaget's theoretical explanation in his writing: The formationof new knowledge is the result of continuous formation. There are two kinds of cognitiveprocesses: assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation is the schema of the individual(object) into the subject (the psychological structure or cognitive structure), which is theformation of cognition. Adaptation is the main schema (knowledge structure) cannotassimilate object (unknown object), which caused the schema (knowledge structure)qualitative change, promote the subject (person) to adjust the original schema (cognitivestructure) or create a new schema (cognitive structure), this awareness is improved.
3. Research Methods..... 15
3.1 Research Questions.... 15
3.2 Research Subjects.......15
3.3 Research Instruments............16
3.3.1 Questionnaire....17
3.3.2 Classroom Observation........ 17
3.3.3 Interview...........18
3.4 Research Procedure.... 18
3.5 Data-analysis.... 19
4. Results and Discussion........20
4.1 Results and Discussion of Questionnaire........... 20
4.2 Results and Discussion of Classroom Observation......26
4.2.1 Main Types of Lead-in Adopted by Teachers.....26
4.2.2 Existing Problems.......29
4.3 Results and Discussion of Interview........ 30
5. Conclusion.......32
5.1 Major Findings........... 32
5.2 Implications...... 33
5.3 Research Limitations and Suggestions.....34
4. Results and Discussion
In this chapter, results and discussion of questionnaire, results and discussion ofclassroom observation and results and discussion of interview will be shown. The results areshown in the tables. According to the results, the study will answer the research questions.
4.1 Results and Discussion of Questionnaire
The author handed out two kinds of questionnaires, one of which is for the teachers, andthe other is for the students. There are the same problems partly in the two questionnaires, sothe author put the questionnaires of teachers and students together to analyze. From theperspective of teachers and students on the implementation of classroom teaching, the authorwants to understand the implementation status of lead-in in senior English class. The authorgave them the explanation of lead-in to avoid the misunderstanding before the questionnaireswere handed out.In this section, results and discussion of questionnaire will be shown through analyzingthe data from table 4-1 the attitude to English of students, table 4-2 and 4-3 about types oflead-in in teachers’ and students’ questionnaires, table4-4 and 4-5 about functions of lead-in inteachers’ and students’ questionnaires, table 4-6 and 4-7 about frequency of lead-in inteachers’ and students’ questionnaires.The data obtained from the questionnaire survey of teachers and students can be analyzedas follows:
In this part, major findings of the study, implications, limitations of this study andsuggestions for further research will be included.The study is conducted to figure out lead-in methods teacher usually adopt and theteachers’ and students’ perspective of lead-in in senior high schools. The main findings arebased on the class observation questionnaires and interview. The major findings are asfollows.
1. The lead-in methods teachers usually adopt are direct lead-in method, dailycommunication lead-in method, question-asked lead-in method, multimedia lead-in methodand reviewing lead-in method. In the process of lead-in, each teacher is inclined to use morefamiliar lead-in method, instead of trying other methods. These lead-in methods are used toofrequently, which can reduce the pressure of teachers to prepare lessons but cannot arousestudents' curiosity and interest. If things go on like this, students will be tired of English class,which is not conducive to students' English learning.
2. Teachers and students think that the proper methods can not only make classroomatmosphere active, stimulate students' interest in learning English and also enlarge students'knowledge. Most teachers and students are aware of the importance of lead-in and believe thatthe implementation of lead-in of the English class in senior high school in time and functionwill be of great help to improve the classroom teaching effect. Therefore, the importance oflead-in in English class in senior high school is self-evident. Teachers and students should paymore attention to it, and it is worthy of careful design by all teachers.
3. Most teachers do not apply the theoretical knowledge to the classroom practice. Inparticular, the older teachers, they already have a wealth of teaching experience, but also havetheir own style, whose classes are in accordance with the relatively constant routines. Theseolder teachers rarely design lead-in on purpose, but their lead-in is more unplanned. Inaddition, due to the teaching pressure and limited class hours, some teachers believe thatlead-in is of a waste of time and they would prefer to spend more time on language pointsrather than on design lead-in part.
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