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发布时间:2017-07-28 08:04

Chapter One Literature Review

The Lexical Approach, appealing and easy to implement, has been putforward for years, yielding a lot of writing models concerning lexical chunksrecognition. Although current writing instructions with distributedrepresentations are initially motivated by a desire to seek a model that ismore plausible than those described previously, it is only in more recenttimes that lexical chunks has been used innovatively as a crucial approach indecoding input and encoding output as well.

1.1 Lexical Chunks
Biber, Johansson, Leech, Conrad, and Finegan (1999) call lexicalbundles and Scott(1996) refers to as clusters. A model referred as “lexicalchains” is adopted for finding a more organized structure that can representthe image attributes and their semantic meaning more adequately. A lexicalchain can be a trigger for a sequence of occurrence of words related to theimage given by teachers. A lexical chain might contain a few words to somesentences. These lexical chains are categorized as: A Page Title LexicalChain (PLC), an Image Title Lexical Chain (ITLC), an Alternate TextDescription Lexical Chain (ADLC) and finally a Caption Lexical Chainthat includes the whole extracted image caption. Normally, only theCLC may exceed the limit of one sentence, since the image caption in somecases may include a few paragraphs. All the other lexical chains are usuallyconfined to a few words or a single sentence. Palmer (1993) definedcollocation as ‘‘a succession of two or more words that must be learned asan integral whole and not pieced together from its component parts’’. As forthe process of lexical acquisition, the acquisition of L2 lexical items starts ingeneral as an input of unanalyzed wholes, or chunks. Lewis, paying attentionto this nature of chunks, proposes the Lexical Approach. Ellis (1997) arguesthat language rules and lexical information are automatically acquired by therepetition of chunking process in our memory. Since researchers adopteddifferent terms for the same object, this paper refers the most frequently usedterm “lexical chunks”.

1.2 English Writing Instruction
English Writing instruction has developed for half a century, the mainschools are "result-oriented teaching method", "Process-oriented teaching method", "genre-based teaching method", "content teaching method" and the"task-based teaching method". There are a lot of comments on the teachingmethods of writing, so the following review briefly the focus of theseteaching methods.1) The Product-Based Approach takes the writing result as the guidance,making the student understand and paying attention to the essence of theessay and providing the systematic writing training.2) The Genre-Based Approach emphasizes on the analysis and imitationof the genre characteristics, so that the students have access to differenttypes of reading and writing.3) The content teaching method organizes teaching on different subjects,thematic content and writing skills4) The Task-Based Approach views the student as the center. It ishelpful to improve the students' actual language ability and let the studentrealize “learning through doing”. Teachers are required to be good atdesigning tasks and creating interactive environment.

Chapter Two Theoretical Basis

Lexical chunks simplify the grammar by reproducing prefabricatedwords. The lexical chunks awareness relies on the multiple occurrences indifferent context, which closely combines knowledge with theory throughpractice. Putative evidence for the phrasal approach from acquisition,psycholinguistics, and statistical distribution supports the lexical approach.In the field of SL teaching, instructors have to take language transfer intoaccount. Chinese and English have different typological features; therefore,lexical approach can be used to reduce the negative transfer of Chinese tothe minimum amount meanwhile share the similar cognition duringprocessing.

2.1 Lexical Approach
The lexical approach to second language teaching has received a warmwelcome in recent years as an alternative to grammar-based approaches. TheLexical Approach stresses on developing learners' proficiency with lexis, orwords and word combinations. It is based on the idea that an important partof language acquisition is the ability to comprehend and produce lexicalphrases as unanalyzed wholes, or "chunks," and that these chunks becomethe raw data by which learners perceive patterns of language traditionally thought of as grammar (Lewis, 1993). Corresponding instruction derivedfrom this focuses on frequently occurred lexical chunks in spoken andwritten language rather than run-on sentences or sentences at free will.Two-word English verb-noun sequences, as one type of grammaticalconstituents, were defined as collocations, which are a certain type offormulaic sequences (e.g., do homework, take a shower). As shown in thegiven examples, collocations can be either constituent (i.e., without anyinserted word in between the verb and the noun) or non-constituent (i.e.,with an inserted word in between the verb and the noun). In contrast, idiomsand lexical bundles are only constituent (e.g., kick the bucket, on the otherhand). These principles center on that it (Lewis, 1997) places thecommunication of meaning at the heart of language and language learning.They are developed relying on the approaches in which the main aim iscommunication in a foreign language. 

2.2 Language Transfer
The influence of L2 on L1 is firstly considered in the field ofbilingualism, in which most related studies focus on L2 influence on LI inchildhood and simultaneous bilingualism (Haugen 1953; Weinreich 1953;Romaine, 1995). Later on, L2 influence on L1 has also been found inadulthood and documented in the fruitful researches, especially during the1990s. Positive transferis a transfer which makes learning L2 easier andalways occurs in a condition when the mother tongue (acquired language)and the target language have the similar form. A large number ofcontemporary SLA researches have realized the significance ofcross-linguistic similarity and devote to showing that could promote theprocess of L2 acquisition. Negative transfer, also named linguisticinterference, which is one of the hottest topics among SLAresearchers. Since negative transfer involves obvious branches of norms inthe target language, it is often relatively easy to distinguish. Thus, manyresearchers bend their mind to finding a systematic regulation of transfer inthe process of SLA, they want to exploit the active factor which could usenegative language promoting language learning, and shift it into positivelanguage transfer eventually.

Chapter Three Methodology........ 29
3.1 Research Design.........29
3.2 Research Procedure....32
3.2.1 Data Collection...........33
3.2.2 Data Analysis.....37
Chapter Four Result and Discussion....39
4.1 Effects of Fostering Lexical Chunk Awareness on Production ofEnglish Phrases........39
4.2 Effects of Fostering Lexical Chunk Awareness on Production ofClausal Chunks........47
4.3 Effects of Fostering Lexical Chunk Awareness on the Production ofDiscourse Organizers....... 51
4.4 Summary............55

Chapter Four Result and Discussion

In this chapter, two sections are included: results and discussion ofthree research questions in the current study. In each section, some necessaryresults will be shown in different forms. And then the possible reasons forthe presented results will be analyzed and discussed.

4.1 Effects of Fostering Lexical Chunk Awareness onProduction of English Phrases

The first experiment is to study the effect of Lexical Approach onSenior High School students’ English incidental vocabulary acquisitionwhen the learner proficiency is of the same level. Tables below illustrate theoriginal level of incidental acquisition of lexical chunks in different classes.As the table indicates, there is no significant difference in the production ofphrases, clausal chunks and discourse organizers between two classes.To ensure the equivalence of two groups, independent T test is appliedto test whether there is difference in the expression of two different groups.We are safe to make an assumption that the writing level of two chosenclasses is almost the same, which reduces the interference of previouswriting capacity.



Rising from the current writing approaches, this paper promotes theLexical Approach to deal with writing problems in senior high school. WhileProduct-Based Approach, Process-Based Approach, Genre-Based Approachand Computer Assisted Instruction all have their influences on writing,Lexical Approach seems to be a better choice both for teachers and studentsas a result of literature review and theoretical basis. To test the effects ofLexical Approach on students’ writing level, this study carried out two kindsof evaluation, writing collection, questionnaire and interview. Ninety seniorstudents from Ming De High School were chosen as participants for theirbasic expressive ability in writing. Their original writing levels were almostthe same, which was guaranteed by the pretest conducted in both groups.During the writing process training, the experiment group was trained by theLexical Approach while the control group did not receive any special writinginstruction. Meanwhile, they were required to fill in the questionnaire ontheir opinions, problems and habits towards writing. After the experiment,data are collected to analyze students’ changes in the production of Englishphrases, clausal chunks and discourse organizers. Reasons and theories areinvolved in the analysis of students’ writing performance.
Reference documents (omitted) 




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