Learning style can be defined as the different methods and preferences used by learners in the process of learning. Individual learning style and techniques abound in such a way that learners discover that they have a particular learning style with little or no use of the other styles. It is also possible for a learner to develop ability in less dominant learning styles with respect to an activity with little or no use of his/her predominant learning style. Hence, we can conclusively say that the best way to learn depends on the person's ability to discover his/her own learning style with respect to the activity involved.
The VAK model is the abbreviated form of the Visual-Auditory-Kinaesthetic learning styles model. According to this model, most people possess a dominant learning style; however some people may have an evenly balanced blend and mixed of the three learning styles. The VAK model is as depicted below:
Visual: Seeing and Reading
Visual learners learn best by watching a demonstration, looking at graphics, or reading. These learners will rather prefer mostly pictures and spatial understanding than listening to an explanation. An example of teaching activity that suits this learning style is demonstration.
Auditory: Listening and Speaking
Auditory learners would rather prefer listening to things being explained than reading about them. Reciting information out loud and having music in the background may be a common study method, as other noises may become a distraction resulting in a need for a relatively quiet place. An example of teaching activity that suits this learning style is lecturing.
Kinaesthetic: Touching and Doing.
This learning style is also referred to as 'Physical', or 'Tactile', or 'Touchy-Feely'. These learners process information best through "hands-on" experience. They prefer "action-doing" activities rather than the "sit still" activities. An example of teaching activity that suits this learning style is experiential.
It is worthwhile to note that if there is a mismatch between the student's learning style and the teacher's teaching style the student will definitely not understand what he/she is being taught; which can eventually lead to poor grades and low self esteem on the part of the student. Based on the aforementioned reasons, the teacher is expected to incorporate a variety of different teaching learning styles into his/her lesson plan in order to make the lesson all inclusive and enable them to learn more effectively.