摘 要
Based on the sample of listed companies in China, application the theory analysis and case study to research the mergers and acquisitions of China, analysis the development history of mergers and acquisitions in China and the present situation of mergers and acquisitions in China, then found the problem of mergers and acquisitions in China, research the reasons and the effect of these problmes, and found :firstly, the development of mergers and acquisitions in China is rapidly; secondly, the characteristics of Chinese listed companies in mergers and acquisitions, including listed companies in mergers and acquisitions mainly in insurance, buy and borrow the form of a "shell", a non-listed company by way of acquisitions and other equity of listed companies, realize the assets into the listed company, the listed company operating the business shift; Listed Company Merger mainly to the expansion of the main listed companies with a strong financing ability, another Chinese listed companies through mergers and acquisitions can lower the cost of market share and acquire the relevant technologies and resources, in order to achieve rapid development;Chinese Listed Company primarily mainly to the transfer of state-owned shares, due to China's unique economic system, the vast majority of listed companies is the state-owned enterprises, and the government for the state-owned enterprises is relatively better policy, listed companies in mergers and acquisitions in the mainly state-owned enterprises M & A-based; Thirdly, the problem of mergers and acquisitions in China is secondary market speculation themes, the lack of professional intermediaries, listed companies after the integration of acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions of listed companies equity dispute, a controlling stake in the fierce competition, Listed Company Merger by "shell" security "shell", government intervention and Listed Company Merger and price distortions. Fourthly, Chinese Listed Company Merger of these problems mainly due to the defects of China's securities market system, the intermediary structure function does not give full play to, government regulation is ineffective. Fifthly, Due to the problems that exist in the Listed Company Merger, resulting in large listed companies in China, including that undermine market principles, infringe on the interests of small investors, listed companies post-merger integration failed. Sixthly, Chinese regulators should improve the securities market system, mergers and acquisitions of listed companies. Chinese regulators should improve the Listed Company Merger and related systems, and to establish the appropriate punishment mechanism for mergers and acquisitions of listed companies violation, against the interests of small and medium-sized investments, transfer benefits to large shareholders, should be strictly punished, while regulation of intermediaries real audit report, urging its due diligence, due diligence for listed companies, as well as asset evaluation report. Regulate related party transactions and information disclosure of listed companies, related party transactions M & A transactions must be carried out in accordance with the fair value and the true, accurate, complete and timely disclosure of relevant information. Strengthen the supervision of mergers and acquisitions of listed companies. Require listed companies to strictly comply with the relevant laws, regulation in place to ensure that all aspects of information disclosure. Minimize secondary market speculation the listed companies Bin dogs behavior. Crack down on the secondary market speculation, insider trading, market manipulation and false statements, and to safeguard the interests of investors. The listed company should improve its management structure. The establishment of institutions of the shareholders 'meeting, board of directors, the shareholders' meeting, the Board should allow the active participation of small and medium investors, given the independence of independent directors. To ensure that the independence of the listed companies, the controlling shareholder of the financial, personnel, assets. Establishment of a standardized system of information disclosure, the listed company M & A information is true, accurate, complete and timely disclosed to safeguard the interests of investors. A good incentive mechanism to ensure that the target company's management with the interestsof listed companies, and to prevent the generation of agency problems. Regulate the behavior of large shareholders, to give small investors an equal right to participate in company decisions. Give full play to the role of intermediaries.
KEYWORDS:“listed companies”, “mergers and acquisitions”, “restructuring, issues”, “innovations”目 录
第一章 绪论 7
第一节 研究的背景、对象及意义 7
一、研究背景 7
二、研究对象 8
三、研究意义 8
第二节 文献综述 9
一、并购动机的研究 9
二、并购效率的研究 9
第三节 研究的思路、方法和结构 11
一、研究的思路 11
二、研究的方法 11
三、结构安排 11
四、本文的创新 12
第二章 我国上市公司并购状况及存在问题 12
第一节 我国上市公司并购状况 12
第二节 我国上市公司并购存在的问题 15
一、政府行政干预 15
二、上市公司并购价格扭曲 16
三、上市公司并购成为借“壳”、保“壳”的重要方式 17
四、上市公司并购股权纠纷多,控股权争夺激烈 17
五、上市公司并购缺乏专业的中介机构 17
六、上市公司并购之后的整合 18
七、上市公司并购成为二级市场炒作题材 18
第三章 我国上市公司并购存在的问题原因分析 19
第一节 我国资本市场制度缺陷 19
第二节 中介机构未尽职守 21
第三节 上市公司治理机制不完善 23
第四章 我国上市公司并购存在的问题所产生的影响 23
第一节 扭曲市场化原则 23
第二节 上市公司并购整合失败 24
第三节 损害中小投资者利益 25
第五章 完善我国上市公司并购运作的探讨 27
第一节 对监管者的建议 28
第二节 对上市公司的建议 28
第三节 对中介机构的建议 29
第六章 结论和展望 30
第一节 结论 30
第二节 不足与展望 30
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