工作满意度、组织承诺、与离职意愿 的相关研究
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of research study
Employee turnover is giving a sleepless night to human resource managers in many countries around the world. High employee turnover rate has increasingly been an issue of interest to both practitioners and academicians, not just in developed countries but also in the developing countries. In the United States for example, employee turnover has been as a national workplace crisis. The overall number of voluntary turnover (measure of workers’ willingness or ability to change job) was 2.1 million in April 2012, up from 1.8 million at the end of recession in June 2009 (in according to the web ). In the assembly plants of Northern Mexico reported the employee turnover ranging from 120% to 150% annually. Managers face major challenge, including building an appropriate managerial relationship and developing, and maintaining organizational commitment among workers (Chinen & Enomoto, 2004). In addition, many researchers are very interested to research about employee turnover due to it is an important criterion and reflects a critical motivated behavior. One organization have high turnover rate is not only affect to the staff morale, but it is also lead to the loss of productive workers while reducing efficiency. According to the research study of Hillmer, Hillmer, and Mc Roberts (2004) on the cost of employee turnover based on data from an existing call center with a 60% annual turnover level. There was an alarming that the cost of turnover is about a year’s salary for each vacant position. The total cost was over $ 40,000 annually for the small call center in study. Employee turnover results in the loss of not only financial and human capital, but also accumulated knowledge. When employees leave the organization, they take the knowledge with them (Droege & Hoobler, 2003). Hence, building a turnover model and reducing turnover intention is an important issue to the organization.
1.2 Focus of the Research
The research study will focus on the following points, which is only focus on employees who are working in the service industry in Cambodia as a sample, due a wide range of study can reduce the reliability of the study. Firstly, the research study only conducted a survey questionnaire on employees who are working in service industry in Cambodia as a selected sample. The reason that this research study only selected those organizations as a sample due to researcher is a Cambodia student study that came to study in China so this will be easy for researcher to conduct the research. Moreover, it is convenience for researchers to conduct the survey because researcher knew some of their employees from those organizations, so this way will be easy to ask them for help. Secondly, the research study did not take into account any unpredictable internal and external factors such as financial difficulties, political impacts, nor macroeconomic indicators such as unemployment rate, Consumer Price Index (CPI), and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Last but not least, the result of this research is not suitable to use in other countries due to the different of culture, leadership style, and level of job satisfaction, working hours, and traditional value. But, the result of the study can be adequate for future study.
The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship of job satisfaction and organizational commitment that can influence to turnover intention on employees in service industry in Cambodia. To discussed to see whether job satisfaction have relationship with turnover intention or not, and to find out is there any relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Moreover, to look out that organizational commitment plays a role as a mediator in between job satisfaction and turnover intention or not. The survey questionnaires will conduct for employees that are working in service industry in Cambodia.
Chapter Two: Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Key Terms
According to Locke (1983) defined job satisfaction as a positive or pleasurable feeling that is the result from the estimate of one’s job experiences. On the other hand, based on Berry (1998) and Rowden (2002) defined job satisfaction as the position that can influences employees about organization and organization about employees. According to Zhang Fan Di (张凡迪) (2003) defined job satisfaction as the result of the individual according to its frame of reference for the working characteristics, in which some kinds of working environment can affect job satisfaction involves many factors.
Organization commitment is referred to a psychological that characterizes the employees’ relationship with the organization, and has implications for the decision to continue or discontinue membership in the organization (Meyer & Allen, 1991). In 1996 Allen and Meyer also state that organizational commitment is a psychological link between employees and organization that makes it less likely which mean that the employees will voluntarily quit from the organization. According to Mathews & Shepberd (2002) stated that organizational commitment encompasses a range of behaviors and attitudes in the work place, and the measure of this factor is central to understanding such organizational connections. Furthermore, in related to this definition of organizational commitment Porter, Steers, Mowday, and Boulian (1974) propounded that organizational commitment represented an individual’s belief in an agreement with the company’s goals and values, the willingness to exert effort toward accomplishing the company’s goals, and strong desire to maintain employment at the present organizational.
The word turnover is defined by Price (2001) as the movement of individual across the membership boundary of an organization. Beside Price, there are many definition related to employee turnover, those definition are not right or wrong the definition have been given according to the understanding, situation and kind of organization. Bohlander et al (2001) stated that employee turnover refers to the movement of employees out of an organization. From Bohlander definition we can say that regardless employees move of the organization mean that the firm has an employee turnover. Mobley (1977) defined employee turnover as the involvement of those people who are leaving their certain position in the organization after a certain time. Regarding to Abassi et al (2000) defined turnover as the rotation of workers in the labour market, among firms, jobs and occupations. From this point shows that even the employees is changing their position within the organization it also can deem as turnover. This definition very stress on the rotation of the employees even within the firm due to the reason that when the organization have employees rotation in any cases the firm still face the trouble such as the firm need to find suitable person to replace the current position, as well it needs to take time to train staff to the new task so the loss of profit still happen when there is rotation of staff in the organization. In other word, the rotation of employees around the labour market with companies, jobs and occupations is also known as employee turnover. Employee turnover is the common voluntary stop of being a membership in an organization by an individual who receives monetary compensation for participating in that organization Mobley (1982).
2.2 Related Concept and Results of Previous research
2.2.1 Employee Turnover
In general employee turnover divided into two kinds which are voluntary turnover and involuntary turnover. Voluntary employee turnover is strained the immediate links between turnover and job dissatisfaction (Mobley, 1977). Due to voluntary turnover can negatively impact organizational effectiveness and employees morale, leaders rightly find out a better ways to manage turnover in order to retain valued human resources and sustain high performance. According to Hycner (1985) categorize voluntary employee turnover as job related reasons which include (new job or other opportunity, job dissatisfaction, higher pay, other job related), and personal reasons such as (relocation, personal health, family, returned to school, retired, and other personal). Moreover, resigned and voluntary leave without reason are the two higher orders of categories of voluntary turnover.
On the other hand, involuntary turnover refers to the employees leave the company due to the organization asks them to leave or due to some reasons such layoff staff or dismiss staff during the downturn. Generally, leader tries their best to avoid involuntary turnover and minimize voluntary turnover. High voluntary turnover should have serious effect to the movement of the firm because when the firm have voluntary turnover they will face the problem of losing their talented employees or competition with other firms. In general voluntary can be predicted and controlled.
Steers and Mowday (1981) stated that the theory of employees eventually staying or quitting. Price (1997) addressed that demographic determinants and intervening variables that effect employee turnover. The study found that job involvement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment have the authority on the employees’ affective responses to the job, and affective responses affect the employees’ desire and intention to leave or stay in the organization. The intention to quit or stay decides the subsequent behavior of quitting or staying. (Lee & Mitchell, 1994; Mobley, 1977; Price, 1977; Steers & Mowday, 1981).
Chapter Three: Research Methodology ....................... 15
3.2 PROJECT REPORT DESIGN......................... 18
3.3 SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRES DESIGN ............................. 18
Chapter Four: Data Analysis....................25
4.1 DATA ANALYSIS .................. 26
4.1.1 Personal Information Analyze.................. 27
4.1.2 Job Satisfaction factors analysis ........................ 27
Chapter Five: Interpretation Finding and Conclusion............40
5.1 DISCUSSION.................41
5.2 INTERPRETATION.............. 41
Chapter Five: Interpretation Finding and Conclusion
As this chapter is about the interpretation of the result finding, so first this chapter will make a brief discussion about the study research, and then a brief interpretation of the analysis, then come up with the conclusion of the finding, moreover, also give some recommendation to the enterprise management through the finding.
5.1 Discussion
As have stated above the previous research about the employee turnover in Cambodia are seldom found. However, there were many researcher conducted about the causes of employee turnover and solution on how to minimize and prevent employees from turnover intention in different countries. Moreover, there were also some studies on the organizational commitment with employee turnover, job satisfaction with employee turnover, etc. This paper has researched about the relationship of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention. Furthermore, the study was only conducted on the Cambodia employees who are working in the organization or company which were randomly selected amount service industry in Cambodia.
The study was conducting the research survey questionnaires that related to the job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention. The survey questions were divided into four parts. The first part was about the job satisfaction which contained 20 items, second part was about the organizational commitment which contained 18 items, third part was about the turnover intention question which contain four items, and the last part was about the personal information which contained 7 items. The hypotheses have been raised according to the variables and sub-variables of the study. There were 252 respondents were receive, however, only 244 respondents were valid to use for analysis due to other responds were not fully completed or careless completed.