发布时间:2016-04-18 08:22
Chapter 1: Introduction第一章节:介绍
1.1 Research background研究背景
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 6
1.1 Research background 6
1.2 Research focus 8
1.3 Overall aim and individual objectives 8
1.4 Significance of the study 9
1.5 Organization of dissertation 10
Chapter 2: Literature review 12
2.1 Marketing 12
2.2 Brand, brand management and brand marketing 15
2.3 Customer market and purchasing behavior 18
Chapter 3: Research methodology 22
3.1 Research method 22
3.2 Research design 24
3.3 Ethical considerations 24
Chapter 4: Results & Findings 26
4.1 Environmental analysis of Haagen-Dazs 26
4.1.1 Macro-environmental analysis 26
4.1.2 Industry analysis of Chinese ice cream industry 27
4.2 SWOT Analysis of Haagen-Dazs 28
Chapter 5: Analysis & Discussion 31
5.1 Strategic choice of Haagen-Dazs 31
5.2 Market segmentation and global marketing strategy of Haagen-Dazs 33
5.2.1 Brand image and brand connotation 33
5.2.2 Target customer 34
5.2.3 Global marketing strategy of Haagen-Dazs 36
Chapter 6: Conclusions & Recommendations 37
6.1 Brand positioning and channel strategy 37
6.2 Promotion strategy 38
6.3 Market and product innovation 40
6.4 Limitations of the study and suggestions 40
References 42
Appendix 47
Despite China being an attraction market, the Chinese market is also facing enormous competitive pressure. Peter Kreutzberg, the former commercial counselor of the German Embassy conducted a survey covering nearly in all Germany enterprises in China. One of the conclusions is that Germany companies in China felt more intense competition than in the Germans local market, and the competition in the Chinese market is fiercer than the European market (Alashban, 2002). Another survey is also made on the chairmen of top 50 international companies which own the most customers in China, and the majority of these chairmen hold a cautious attitude that the business environment in China is more complex than a few years ago (Ashutosh, 2009). They said they are optimistic about the future, but they stressed that it is very important to take a long-term vision and long-term plans for investment in China.
Haagen-Dazs is also one of the international companies which set Chinese market as the target. The idea for Haagen-Dazs dates back to the early 1920’s. Haagen-Dazs is a world famous ice cream brand, and was founded in 1961. Haagen-Dazs entered the Chinese market in 1996 with its top brand. Nowadays, Haagen-Dazs has developed hundreds of stores in China, and the concept of people pursues higher quality of life and the way of life, which advocated by Haagen-Dazs that has been accepted by Chinese consumers. But in the earlier time of Haagen-Dazs’s entering into the Chinese market, Haagen-Dazs had few consumers. There were only 9 stores across the country initially, and they were loss-making state. Later, manager had adopted a lot of new strategies, such as reposition, a new strategic plan, and a new location (Tse, 2003). They stationed Haagen-Dazs in the most expensive upscale business district in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, as well as promoted it powerfully in high-end women's fashion magazine. After 2001, Haagen-Dazs increased at an average rate of 9 stores per year.
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