发布时间:2016-04-26 23:16
4.0 Empirical Results (3000字)
To be shortly, it is a question that whether or not there is a positive correlation between brand equity and Chinese retailer’s financial performance (the performances include EBIT; NOCF; ROI; CFROI; Total Assets)? Or they have other recessive relationship? Or they do not have any relationship?
4.1 Aim of Chapter
The main aim of this chapter is to provide a discussion from the empirical results of the collected data. The analysis for the empirical results is based on the research methodology which has been discussed in Chapter 3. In this chapter, firstly, the descriptive analysis for statistics is provided. Secondly, the regression analysis has been used to discover the correlation relationship between brand euqity and fiancial performance in China’s retail market. The financial performance for China’s retail market is EBIT, NOCF, ROI, CFROI and total assets. For each variable, the mean, standard deviation, minimum value and maximum value are presented. Finally, this chapter will conclude the results for the empirical study in order to discover whether there is positive correlation between brand equity and Chinese retailer’s financial performance. Or they have other recessive relationship? Or they do not have any relationship.4.2 Descriptive Statistics
It has been shown in Table 4.0, the descriptive statistics for the variables which are total assets, EBIT, NOCF, ROI and CFROI. The results in the table is for 57 collected samples which include 50 general retails and 7 food & drug retailers, total observations are 342 retailers in the Chinese retail market. For each variable, the mean, standard deviation, min and max results are provided in the Table 4.0.
From Table 4.0, it has been indicated that the key findings is that for total assets, EBIT and NCF these three variables, the standard deviation of them are pretty large. Standardard deviation is the deviation away from the mean value. It has been been shown that the financial performance of the selected retailers are varied from each other. More importantly, from the variable, total assets, it has been indicated that the average assets of the retailers are 5,291,232 Chinese Yuan while the minimum value is 94,751 Chinese Yuan and the maximum value is 8.11e+07 Chinese Yuan. This has demonstrated that the size of retailers in China is different from each other. And some big companies may dominant the market. Secondly, the earnings before interest and tax has indicated that there are some firms losing money as the minimum EBIT is -103,505 while some companies make lots of profit as the maximum value is 6,484,784. Moreover, the ROI for the collected data has shown that the mean is 0.0616608 which means that in the Chinese retail market, the average return for investment is 6.16608, a positive return for investors. Also, for the cash flow return for investment, it has been shown that the mean is 0.640747, a positive cash flow return for investment. For brand equity, the mean is 5843.975, the standard deviation is 9747.581, minimum is 536.53 and maximum value is 889321.81.
4.3 Regression Analysis
4.3.1 Linear Regression
4. 3.2 Tobit Regression
4.4 Kendall’s rank correlation
4.5 ANOVA Analysis