Chapter One Introduction
With the globalization of economy and culture, English has become an important tool for self-expression and mutual communication as evidenced by the over 1500 million English speakers globally. In China, English education is paid great attention to all over the country. Students’ academic study is accompanied with English skill training from elementary school to college. In the past, English reading is always the most important skill to students. Although in colleges and universities English writing has become a compulsory course, the teaching of writing still lays emphasis on English vocabulary, grammar and structure, while paying less attention to the practice of writing as a whole including the process of planning, generating and the organization. In the early years of 1980s, English teaching in China focus on the input of grammatical knowledge and reading which results in students’ limited ability in English writing and speaking. Nowadays, with further research of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and relevant development in theory, the effect of applying lexical chunks in second language teaching has aroused a wide concern. Many linguists and teachers doing research on foreign language teaching are trying to find an effective way to improve students’ foreign language acquisition especially foreign language writing competence via applying lexical chunks. Reciting of the sentence patterns and imitating of English classic model paragraphs have reduced the incidence of syntactic and lexical error in writing, while there still exist some problems in the process of transferring from language input to language output. With the development of cognitive linguistics and modern psychology theories, SLA research has seen a noticeable increase of interest in lexical chunks, thus the approach of employing the lexical chunks to teaching was put forward. The approach of teaching English writing by chunks offers a new way of solving the problems. Since lexical chunks are common in language, it might be assumed that they will naturally and easily be acquired. Many experts and educators have been doing research on lexical chunks, finding that chunks play an important role in our everyday communication, making contributions to the ease, accuracy and fluency in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
1.1 Research Background
During the middle age of twentieth century, lexical chunks were first proposed by Becker who found that there is a special “multi vocabulary phenomenon” in English. Becker (1975) then first put forward this opinion that lexical chunks are particular multi-words. Nattinger & Decarrico (1992), who also defines lexical chunks as “multi-word lexical phenomena”, argue that these chunks are ready-made multi-word expressions. Many experts and educators have been doing research on lexical chunks, finding that chunks play an important role in our every communication, making contributions to the ease, accuracy and fluency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. What’s more, lexical chunks are an effective way to improve students’ English writing in foreign language acquisition. After that, in 1990s, Lewis proposed “lexical approach” which is based on the idea that language is made up of grammatical lexis instead of lexicalized grammar, and an important part of language acquisition is the ability to comprehend and produce lexical chunks as unanalyzed wholes, while these chunks are the raw data. It makes a distinction between vocabulary and lexis which concentrates on developing students’ proficiency by using lexis, or word combinations (Lewis, 1997).
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Theories on Lexical Chunks
During the late nineteen century, there has been an increasing concern about the linguistic study in China and abroad. Many linguists, scholars and teachers devote themselves to language teaching and learning. Among these approaches, introduction of lexical chunks during teaching process has been advocated and employed to language acquisition. There have been different definitions of lexical chunks. Becker (1975) first put forward his opinion that lexical chunks are those particular multi-words or sentences, which are usually in the form of fixed or semi-fixed chunks and share the common characteristics of traditional grammar and lexis. And, Nattinger & Decarrico(1992), who also defines lexical chunks as “multi-word lexical phenomena”, arguing that these chunks are ready-made multi-word expressions. They think that these phrases are “collocations that are assigned pragmatic functions”, which differs them from other multi-word units like idioms or collocations. It is necessary to make clear the conceptualizations of lexical chunks in order to delineate a precise boarder for present study. Therefore, in the following part, the definition of lexical chunks, its classification and functions will be discussed.
2.2 Theories on Lexical Approach
Lexical approach is put forward by Michael Lewis (1993) who suggests that lexis is the basic unit of language instead of grammar and single words, and they play a central role in language acquisition. According to Lewis (1993), the key principle of a lexical approach is that “language consists of grammaticalized lexis, not lexicalized grammar.” (p.36). He suggests that it is necessary to put pedagogical chunking as a lesson activity in a high frequency, in order to develop the awareness of language learning. He has written two books The Lexical Approach (1993) and Implementing the Lexical Approach: Putting Theory into Practice (1997). These two books introduce lexis-focused theories and how to apply lexical chunks to language teaching, and they have received interest in the language-teaching field since they were published. The Lexical Approach which developed by Michael Lewis, has gained popularity and attention in recent years. It develops the fundamental principles of Communicative Approach. Although it has similarities with the Communicative Approach, the differences are obvious too. Such as it increased understanding of the nature of lexical chunks in naturally occurring language, and it contributes to enrich language pedagogy potentially. The fundamental principle of the Lexical Approach is language consists of grammaticalized lexis, note lexicalized grammar (Lewis, 1993). In other words, lexis plays a central role in creating meaning of sentences or texts, while grammar is subservient. It means that more language generative power is offered by lexical chunks than grammar. In summary, relative fixed expressions occur frequently in language output rather than originally created sentences, the same as well in English writing.
Chapter Three Research Methodology...... 20
3.1 Research Subjects & Questions....... 20
3.2 Research Design......... 21
3.3 Research Procedures ......... 22
3.3.1 Pretest.... 22
3.3.2 Instruction..... 23
3.3.3 Posttest......... 29
3.4 Data Analysis Procedure.... 29
Chapter Four Results and Discussion........ 32
4.1 The Relevance Between Using of Lexical Chunks and the Score....... 32
4.2 The Impacts of Mastering of Lexical Chunks on Written Discourse......... 34
Chapter Five Conclusion..... 36
5.1 Major Findings.... 36
5.2 Pedagogical Implications and Suggestions........ 38
5.3 Limitations of the Study.... 39
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 The Relevance Between Using of Lexical Chunks and the Score of Subjects’ IELTS Academic Writing
It can be seen from Table 3.3.1 that there is a significant difference between EG and CG after comparing the data for pretest and posttest in the percentage for coherence and lexical resources: the proportions of the score of coherence &cohesion and lexical resources in pretest are similar (for coherence &cohesion 0.240≈0.237; for lexical resources 0.246≈0.240), but the proportions are higher in EG than those in CG (for coherence &cohesion 0.265>0.246; for lexical resources 0.257>0.244). From the data comparison, it can be figured that the scores of the EG are higher than those of the CG in post test, despite of the similar level of the subjects’ writing ability which shows in the pretest before the instruction. The main reason why the percentages of coherence and lexical resources in EG are higher than those of in CG in posttest is that a large number of lexical chunks which play a structural role are used in EG. It is those functional chunks that make the compositions more logical, as a result, the percentages of coherence are higher than those in CG. For example, the subjects in EG could use sentence builders as framework such as: Those who…… tend to present the following reasons. To begin with, ……. In addition, ……. What’s more, ……. However, other people may examine/explore this issue from another angle. For one thing, ……. For another thing, ……. Furthermore, ……. As it can be seen from Table 3.3.3, for the proportion of each type of lexical chunks, the quantity in high level is larger than that of intermediate level(0.96%>0.93%; 0.37%>0.29%; 1.87%>1.64%; 1.96%>1.78%). In comparison, the quantity of each type of lexical chunks in intermediate level is greater than that of low level (0.93%>0.69%; 0.29%>0.28%; 1.78%>0.97%).
This chapter is the concluding part. A brief conclusion of the major finding of the study is given first, and then followed by suggestions which tend to bring implication for IELTS teachers to promote academic writing teaching methods in China. At last, the limitation of current study and possible directions of further study are presented to end this thesis. The study focuses on the impacts of input lexical chunks on the quality of IELTS academic writing, to examine whether the subjects of EG could efficiently use lexical chunks which were input in the teaching process by various activities, to make comparison between EG and CG about the quantity of lexical chunks used by subjects, to explore the specific aspects of IELTS writing ability according to the four evaluation standards. Finally, the impacts of quantity of lexical chunks input on students’ mastering of lexical chunks on written discourse are discussed. Based on the data collected and results, the major findings are going to be listed in the following parts: A positive impact of lexical chunks input can be found on the quality of IELTS learners’ task accomplishment in academic writing. In the present experiment, the subjects in EG could recognize more lexical chunks during the input process, and they could use more lexical chunks efficiently compare with the subjects in CG. Meanwhile, during the output of language, the subjects who had input lexical chunks sufficiently could retrieve those chunks by conscious. Consequently, it is the lexical chunks that promote a higher quality of composition during the task accomplishment. While the subjects in CG did not grasp target lexical chunks as much as those in EG, therefore the improvement of the quality of composition from lexical chunks is not that obvious.
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