Chapter One Introduction
With the accelerated process of globalization, English has become the most widelyused language in the world, and it becomes more and more important. Currently, as thedevelopment of our society and economy, new requirements are put forward for vocationalschool English. Reading has an important position in English language teaching, for thescore of reading in school English test is 25 percent of the total. Reading materials relate toscience and technology, education, history, culture and many other aspects of daily life. Inrecent years, English reading contain richer passages in tests and more complicatedinformation, which will undoubtedly put forward new requirements for teachers andstudents. Therefore, how to improve the students’ English reading proficiency becomesvery urgent for teachers.English teaching has been revolved around teacher-centered teaching method for along time in China. The traditional teaching method has some shortcomings, such asteacher-centered and ignoring the role of students, the only use of blackboard and chalk, soit is very simple and no efficiency. The problems of “Dumb English” and“Time-consuming and No efficiency” cannot be solved by this traditional way. Theteachers should change the concept of imparting language knowledge into a new point ofview, i.e. enable students to learn to use language. So comprehensible and organic input ofthe language plays an important role in practical language use. Therefore, it is extremelyimportant to build an input and output media which is student-centered, teacher-led,combining with various means and multi-channel. It is also a better way to improve theeffect and the efficiency of teaching. Rapidly developed educational technologies,particularly computer-assisted teaching methods provide a new learning platform. A newteaching mode--- multimedia network teaching, a type of computer system that combinestext with audio, video , images and Internet, which can create an interactive languageenvironment, has been widely applied in English class.
Chapter two Literature review
2.1An introduction of multimedia network in language teaching
Multimedia technology is a new comprehensive technology that is on the process ofdeveloping. There are several definitions describing it:Multimedia is “the capacity to access and control via computer a full range of familiarmedia: text, motion video, photo images, sound, and graphics” (Pusack &Otto, 1997).Multimedia is defined as “combined use of several media, such as movies, slides,music, and lighting, especially for the purpose of education or entertainment” (Brooks,1997).Multimedia is the “use of multiple forms of media in presentation” (Schwartz &Beichner, 1999).Multimedia is defined as “information in the form of graphics, audio, video, ormovies, and a multimedia document contains a media element other than plain text”(Greenlaw & Hepp, 1999).Besides in the dictionary, multimedia is “type of computer system that combines textwith audio, video and still images to create an interactive application” or “anycommunications technique that involves more than one medium of expression” (OxfordAdvanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, 2002) and so on.In fact, there are no universal accepted definitions at present. In a broad sense,multimedia can be considered as the transmission that combines media of communication(text, graphics, sound, computer online and etc). To ensure a better understanding, in thisthesis, multimedia is considered as the use of software mainly PPT, overhead projector,computer and learning online.2.2 Theoretical support of multimedia network English teaching
Constructivism believed that “learners construct their own reality or at least interpretit based upon their perceptions of experiences, so an individual’s knowledge is a functionof one’s prior experiences, mental structures, and beliefs that are used to interpret objectsand events. What someone knows is grounded in perception of the physical and socialexperiences which are comprehended by the mind.”(Jonassen, 1992)Most constructivists agree that constructivism is a meaning-making theory. “Itsuggests that individuals create their own new understandings, based upon the interactionof what they already know and believe, and the phenomena or ideas with which they comeinto contact.” (Richardson, 1997)John Dewey provided a foundation for constructivism which was used in Englishteaching. He believed that teaching should be built base on what learners already knew andengaged learners in learning activities. Teachers needed to design environments andinteract with learners to foster inventive, promote interest, autonomous, creative, criticallearners. Therefore, teachers must balance an understanding of the habits, characteristics aswell as personalities of individual learners with an understanding of the means of arousinglearners’ interests and curiosity for learning. (Archambault, 1964)According to constructivists, knowledge cognition is not realized by the direct stimulifrom the objective world. Instead, it is a process of the mutual interaction betweenobjective and subjective through dialogue. In the constructivists’ views, learning is theprocess of obtaining knowledge and knowledge can not be “taught”. It should be “learned”by learners in certain social and cultural context with the interaction with other people(includes both teachers and learning partners) and by making use of necessary learningmaterials (includes printed materials, audio-visual materials, multimedia network courseware and the information from the Internet resources).Chapter Three Research Methodology..........19
3.1 Research questions .............193.2 Research participants................19
3.3 Instruments .....................20
3.4 Research procedures ............ 22
3.5 Data collection........................ 29
Chapter Four Results and data analysis....................... 31
4.1 Data analysis of questionnaires .................. 31
4.2 Data analysis of pre-test and post-test ................... 35
4.3 Analysis of interview............................. 40
4.4 Analysis of computer monitoring in learning autonomy ....... 42
Chapter Five Conclusion....................... 44
5.1 Major findings ............................. 44
5.2 Limitations of the study.................. 45
5.3 Suggestions for further research ............... 46
Chapter Four Results and data analysis
4.1 Data analysis of questionnaires
According to Table 4.2, due to the Sig. which is higher than 0.05, the line of Equalvariances assumed is effective. The Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.920, which is much higher than 0.05and “95% Confidence Interval of the Difference” between lower and upper contains zero.It comes to the conclusion that there is no significant difference between EC and CC oninterest towards English reading before the experiment.After the experiment, the same questionnaire is used again for EC and CC toinvestigate the students’ interest on English reading.
4.2 Data analysis of pre-test and post-test
Table 4.9 presents that the mean score of EC is 30; meanwhile the mean score of CCis 30. The figures are almost the same. At the same time, EC and CC share the approximatescores of Std. Deviation and Std. Error Mean with slight difference. Therefore we cancome to the conclusion that there is no prominent difference of English reading proficiencybetween EC and CC before the experiment. The reason why the mean scores of EC and CCare almost the same is that both of the two classes are taught by the same teacher andadopted the same teaching method; meanwhile, the students of two classes have the sameEnglish proficiency. All in all, the results of Table 4.9 are conductive. For the sake ofpersuasiveness of the experiment, further data analysis should be conducted. The data ofthe independent sample t-test is shown and analyzed below........
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
From the results of the experiment, the three research questions of the experimenthave got positive answers respectively. The major findings are as following:First, based on the results of the questionnaire, we can see that multimedia teachingcan improve students’ interest. The learner feels in control, which usually enhancessatisfaction levels with the learning process.Second, by comparing the results of the two classes, the English score of studentsfrom the experimental class is higher than that of the students from control class, andsignificant difference exists in twoclasses. And the application of multimedia networkteaching is useful and effective in improving students’ English reading proficiency.Multimedia network teaching is beneficial to English reading.Third, it can encourage the students to conduct learning autonomy and cater for theirneeds. The longer the learner stayed in the lab, the higher scores he can get. This is becausethe learner has known how to do learning autonomy. He has his own learning purpose andwants to learn more. So multimedia can help the English learner to promote their learninginterest. And then to make the learners be active in learning autonomy. Learners can alsospend more time on the contents that are causing difficulty. Information can be reviewedand tasks can be repeated until the learner makes sure he can move on to a new content.Fourth, it can create suitable teaching and learning environment which is a great helpfor teachers to conduct the school English teaching and students as well.According to the interview, multimedia network reading teaching can provide awonderful environment. Multimedia network is favorable to the students because itprovides a learner-centered learning environment, which consequently meets the diverseneeds of individual students. Students absorb new material and skills through their sensesand prefer some senses to others in specific situations.5.2 Limitations of the study
Although multimedia network teaching method experiment has achieved some goodeffects through elaborate design and implementation of the experiment, the present studystill has several limits.1. Due to restriction of the objective conditions, this experiment is just carried out for oneterm. One short-term experiment is not sufficient to testify the effects of multimediateaching method because those variables are difficult to control such as the headmaster’attention, the controlled time to English learning within the experiment period.2. In this study, the factors of input and output in English reading class. Using multimediais convenient and interesting, but whether the students got the knowledge as much asteachers presented.3. Because it is the first time to bring multimedia method into force, the author has notprepared well for the teaching activities and could not satisfy all teaching requirements.Teachers should change their ideas actively to encourage in the teaching reform to enhancethe teaching quality and help students to make process.4. In experimental class teacher uses multimedia for reading teaching, but in control classonly use blackboard and chalks, which seem to be unfair and not reality. In most schools,multimedia teaching is widely used in class; however, a good teacher can make anexcellent class within or without multimedia. Actually in order to compare multimedia andtraditional teaching method the course have do that arrangement..........