Chapter One Introduction
An increasing number of scholars try to find out more about better ways as guidelines for translation, with which translation is studied more easily, taught more reasonably and criticized more convincingly. Why bother with pragmatic translation unit? Because finding translation unit and probing into its pragmatic meaning to solve translation problems is a useful approach to tackling problems during translation process in one way or another.
To find answers to many underlying questions surrounding translation needs the help of linguistic knowledge, which is used to study translation by many accredited scholars. And the development of translation studies depends on that of linguistics to some extent. And pragmatics, which has got many achievements in recent years, acts as one of the providers of theoretical base for translation, language teaching, language research, interpersonal communication and many other disciplines. In fact, many pragmatic research results make contributions to the explaQYH nation of translation phenomena. As a part of pragmatics, relevance theory, which is put forward by Sperber and Wilson (1986), together with relevance theoretical approach to translation developed by Gutt (1991) in his work of Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context, is helpful in the recognition and understanding of translation problems. Therefore, relevance theory is chosen to solve translation problems. And translation unit, the value of which is that it is the provider for an approach to tackling translation obstacles (Xu, 2004), is studied by many scholars. For example, from grammatical and semantic perspectives, translation unit is defined according to the semantic meaning of source text in the process of rendering information (Barkhudarov, 1985). However, due to complicated factors affecting translation process, there is a far way to go in order to use translation unit to resolve translation problems effectively or to explain translation phenomena reasonably. Among many researches on translation unit, fewer discussions are done on the establishment of it.
1.2 Significance
This thesis takes relevance theory as theoretical base for translation unit studies. Translation unit is studied by many scholars from different perspectives because of its complexity in definition. With a detailed account of the concepts of pragmatic translation unit, the thesis enriches the studies on translation unit, which is a try to know more about the mechanism of applying pragmatic translation unit to solve translation problems. It centers on helping the translator to do better under intratextual and extratextual context by inference to get optimal relevance. To state more clearly, a definition of pragmatic translation unit is put forward, together with the ranks, principles, identification and nature of it. The procedures and translation methods in using pragmatic translation unit endow it with a practical way in order to shed some light on the application of pragmatic translation unit. The thesis evokes readers’ awareness of the connection between translation unit and pragmatic relation. And pragmatic translation unit is used as a new term for translation unit studies. To bridge the gap between translation unit and pragmatic relation under the framework of relevance theory is rarely seen in translation unit studies, which is of great significance for translation. Besides, the research strengthens interdisciplinary study as well.
Chapter Two Literature Review
To present research status of the study on translation unit and to provide theoretical framework for the pragmatic approaches to it, an account of what has been published on translation unit and relevance theory by accredited scholars and researchers are discussed. A brief introduction to relevance theory is also made in the following parts.
As the basic unit for explaining and processing translation problems, translation unit has exerted great influences on the comprehension of translation. Many researches have done to find out reasonable ways to defining translation unit and to know its application by scholars and translators. The study on translation unit intrigues many scholars’ interests, which is a critical point in translator’s decision-making. Research done for translation unit is summarized as follows. Sparkling thoughts are offered by scholars from many countries on the study of translation unit. A representative person in translation unit studies is prestigious linguistician Barkhudarov (1985) from former Soviet Union. He regards translation unit as “the smallest unit that has its equivalent in the target language text” in the book of Language and Translation, which exerts great influences upon translation unit studies and is accepted by many translators. (Wang, 2010) Barkhudarov’s study is done under the background of the existence of two schools of translation theory in the Soviet Union, which are linguistic school and art school (Cai, 1983).
2.2 Studies on Relevance Theory
Relevance theory is one of the three theories in pragmatics. The other two are adaption theory and meme theory (Liu, 2008). Relevance theory has given a more precise definition of communication, by combining decoding and inferential processes together, thus providing a general framework for the pragmatic interpretation of communication. It has broadened the research scope of traditional pragmatics to a more open one. Therefore, relevance theory is chosen to be the provider for theoretical base in the analysis of pragmatic translation unit. In 1986, relevance theory was proposed by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson in their book of Relevance: Cognition and Communication, which has great influences on linguistics. It supplies explanation of linguistic communication from aspects of linguistic philosophy, intercommunication and cognitive psychology, which bands cognition and pragmatics together. The keystone of pragmatics is transferred from the output of utterance to the understanding of utterance with relevance theory. It indicates that linguistic communication is an ostensive-inferential cognitive process and to understand utterance is a kind of cognitive activity. (Zhang, 2013) After the proposal of relevance theory in 1980s, some scholars combine it with translation. For example, Kovacic (2000) does researches on “subtitling reduction” with the factor of relevance. However, compared to these researches, Gutt’s contributions are relatively greater. Ernst-August Gutt’s paper——Translation and Relevance, combines translation with relevance theory, which shows its great powerin explaining translation phenomenon. He says that “an account of translation as interlingual interpretive has much to commend”, which sheds new light on pragmatic approaches to translation studies in the comprehension of translation phenomena. He expands the scope of relevance theory.
Chapter Three Pragmatic Relation Based Translation Unit Analyses .......... 19
3.1 Definition of Pragmatic Translation Unit .......... 19
3.2 Ranks of Pragmatic Translation Unit ......... 26
3.3 Principles of Pragmatic Translation Unit .......... 29
3.4 Identification of Pragmatic Translation Unit ..... 31
3.5 Nature of Pragmatic Translation Unit ........ 32
Chapter Four Comparison Between Pragmatic and Semantic Translation Units ........ 36
4.1 Pragmatic Relation and Semantic Relation ....... 36
4.2 Pragmatic Translation Unit and Semantic Translation Unit .......... 37
Chapter Five Pragmatic Translation Unit in Its Application .... 40
5.1 Procedures of Using Pragmatic Translation Unit ..... 40
5.2 Translation Methods in Terms of Pragmatic Translation Unit ...... 43
Chapter Five Pragmatic Translation Unit in Its Application
Pragmatic translation unit needs to be tested on a range of translation examples, in order to reveal the decision-making processes using pragmatic translation unit to solve translation problems. Examples are taken from pragmatic texts, which means that there is a need to analyze in terms of pragmatic translation unit. The pragmatic text here is any text that is of generally immediate, short-term use. It is designed for particular target audience, written under specific circumstances. In this way, a large amount of texts are classified into pragmatic texts. From translation materials, many forms of literature, including advertisements, public signs and explanation for illustrations, are in need of pragmatic translation unit in many cases. From the perspective of figure of speeches, some translation with such tact, like euphemism and association, depends on their pragmatic relation as well. Before analyses of translation cases, procedures of using pragmatic translation unit are stated step by step.
This thesis is an attempt to investigate translation unit based on pragmatic relation. From the researches above, some research results that are related to pragmatic translation unit are found to be useful in study.Based on relevance theory, this thesis has tentatively given a detailed explanation to pragmatic translation unit and give answers to the questions in Chapter One. Firstly, what is pragmatic translation unit? An attempt to define pragmatic translation unit leads to the conclusion that it is a smallest translation segment of source text, a single element or a group of elements in which are linked by semantic and pragmatic relation, which the translator treats as a single cognitive unit in establishing functional equivalence, in order to solve a translation problem. To find and express accurate semantic and pragmatic relations by getting enough pragmatic information, without paying attention to redundant information, is the basic principle of pragmatic translation unit. Secondly, cognitive context and pragmatic relation affect translation unit in use by providing premises for readers to know what exactly is going on in source text based on optimal relevance. From the comparison between pragmatic translation unit and semantic translation unit, it is known that before using pragmatic translation unit, basic meanings and conventional meanings are recognized and comprehended correctly. And what differs pragmatic translation unit from semantic translation unit is whether the translator gets rid of the literal meaning reasonably or not.
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