This study aimed at discussing how Westin was through its up-selling tactics in service encounter process to improve consumer satisfaction, thereby increasing hotel revenues, as well as better meeting consumer demand to improve customer loyalty at the same time to establish a long-term mutually beneficial and win-win relationship between the hotel and consumers. In this study, it made use of a quantitative research method, by investigating 165 consumers through questionnaire to collect data.The author combined with relevant literatures and survey results to draw a conclusion that Westin’s front office department staff could use CRM system, good promotional skills and high quality service to better meet the individual needs of consumers; providing customers with more valuable products and services could help to persuade consumers and bring them better consumption experience. The author finally was from three aspects: CRM, promotional skills, service quality to recommend on how Westin’s front office department staff implements up-selling tactics better in future.
Keywords: up-selling tactics; service encounter; customer relationship management (CRM); promotional skills; service quality
Table of Content目录
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Problem description...............................................................................................................4
1.2 Literature Review...................................................................................................................6
1.2.1 Service encounter..........................................................................................................6
1.2.2 Up-selling tactics...........................................................................................................9
1.2.3 Critical analysis...........................................................................................................13
1.2.4 Summary.....................................................................................................................14
1.3 Concept model.....................................................................................................................14
2.0 Methodology ............................................................................................................................16
2.1 Research design....................................................................................................................16
2.2 Instrument............................................................................................................................17
2.3 Sample..................................................................................................................................19
2.4 Data collection.....................................................................................................................20
2.5 Data analysis.............................................................................. .........................................20
2.6 Ethical considerations..........................................................................................................21
3.0 Results.......................................................................................................................................21
3.1 Introduction of this chapter..................................................................................................21
3.2 Basic information of samples...............................................................................................21
3.3 Questionnaire results............................................................................................................22
3.3.1 Individual needs..........................................................................................................22
3.3.2 Customer value...........................................................................................................23
3.3.3 Persuasion...................................................................................................................25
3.3.4 Consumer experience..................................................................................................25
3.4 Summary..............................................................................................................................25
4.0 Discussion..................................................................................................................................25
4.1 Introduction of this chapter .................................................................................................25
4.2 Customer Relationship Management...................................................................................26
4.3 Promotional skills................................................................................................................30
4.4 Service quality......................................................................................................................37
4.5 Comparison..........................................................................................................................42
4.6 Summary..............................................................................................................................44
5.0 Conclusion................................................................................................................................44
5.1 Main points..........................................................................................................................44
5.2 Limitation and further research............................................................................................46
5.3 Implications..........................................................................................................................46
1.0 Introduction介绍
1.1 Problem description
Since the 21st century, the number of China's five-star hotels has been increased from 15 in 2000 to 1000 (Crick and Spencer, 2011). China has become one of the countries with the most five-star hotels in the world (Bianchi, 2006). However, since the financial crisis happened in 2008, the development of China's five-star hotels faces enormous challenges (Albayrak and Caber, 2015). On the one hand, in 2013, the Chinese government has issued a policy to ban luxury consumption, which required that civil servants will be banned to consuming in high star hotels, thus the performance of high star hotels dropped significantly (Albayrak and Caber, 2015). On the other hand, in recent years, investment in luxury hotels in mainland China shows an excessive trend, there are more than 2800 five-star hotels in China, most of these hotels have gathered in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other first-tier cities, but low occupancy makes that the earnings and spending of luxury hotels are out of whack, the shadow of oversupply covers the hotel industry in Chinese mainland (Siponen, Mahmood and Pahnila, 2014). According to the statistics from the " Development Report of the Hotel Industry in China in 2014", in 2014, the catering sales of China's hotel industry fell 30.31%, the room sales decreased 23.25%, and many 5-star hotels began to think about extension of new market after the loss of guests.
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