1.1 Background
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) is one of the greatest poets and novelists in Britain. He experiences two centuries and writes a number of works, which include long novels, short novels and poems. Athenaeum reviews that Mr. Hardy is perhaps the most vigorous of all the novelists who have appeared within the last two years; his powers of description, his skill in dividing ‘situations’, his quaint humor, secured him a high place among novelists of any age (Pobert, 1986). No one has ever achieved so great a success as Thomas Hardy in describing country (Williams, 2005). Virginia Woolf considers the death of Thomas Hardy leaves English fiction without a leader (1928). Far from the Madding Crowd published in 1874 is the first novel that gains Thomas Hardy great fame and wealth in his life. It tells us a love story about Bathsheba a beautiful young girl with great capability and vanity. There are three admirers of Bathsheba in this novel Gabriel Oak, Mr. Boldwood and Sergeant Troy. They all love Bathsheba. Gabriel Oak is described as a young warm-hearted, of sound judgment, easy motions farmer. He runs a small farm by his own hand at first and when all his sheep die he works for Bathsheba. Mr. Boldwood is a rich farm owner. His farm is next to Bathsheba’s, and he falls in love with Bathsheba when he got the trick Valentine's Day letter from Bathsheba. Sergeant Troy is a rhetoric person. He cheats the love of Fanny Robin, and causes Fanny’s death. He marries Bathsheba and leaves Bathsheba. He comes back when Bathsheba starts her new life again. He is killed by Mr. Boldwood in the end. All these three admirers whether rich or poor, whether rhetoric or without any words, show their love to Bathsheba in their own way. Of the whole story, request conversations become the most interesting part.
1.2 Methodology
By making an analysis of the request conversation based on politeness principle in Far from the Madding Crowd, the thesis wants to find out the preference of each maxim used in each admirer’s request conversations for one thing; and prove functions and significance of the politeness principle in creating and appreciating literature works for another. Thus two questions have been proposed: First, which maxims have been used in the three admirers’ request conversations? Second, what characteristic is reflected by their use of each maxim in their request conversations? In order to solve these two problems, two kinds of research methodology have been used. First, quantitative analysis has been used to collect the maxims that applied in their request conversations. Second, qualitative analysis has been used to detect the characteristic of each admirer by analyzing the maxims they used in their conversations.
2.1 Previous Studies on Thomas Hardy and Far from the Madding Crowd
Hardy is a productive writer. He writes 20 long novels and 900 poems in his life. He is honored as the “Shakespeare in English Fictions” (G.Q. Wang, 2005). Over a hundred years, researches on Thomas Hardy have never been ended. And the prosperous of research began from the end of 1980s, especially these twenty years. In the 1980s, there was a group a people doing research on Thomas Hardy. Among them Joe Fisher, Roger Ebbatson and Peter Wilddowson are the most famous (N. He, 2008). The Hidden Hardy was written in 1992 by Joe Fisher. Joe Fisher’s The Hidden Hardy described the rebel of Hardy (Fisher, 1992). Hardy is born in a Christian family. His mother is a devout Christian. He was well educated and wished to be a priest. Hardy lives in the late Victorian time. There are so many writers like Rudyard Kipling and Alfred Tennyson who prize the peace and happiness of the society. However Hardy sees more unfairness and crisis from the peace and happiness. So he is a rebel in the deep heart. In 1989, Peter Wilddowson’s Hardy in History: A Study in Literary Sociology published. This book discusses Hardy from three aspects, which are literary criticisms, history and the creation of the novel. In Peter’s idea there are so many people doing research on the main works of Hardy, seldom do they do research on the subordinate works of his, and there are so much research paying attention to the tragedy of Hardy’s mind seldom do they do research on other aspects (1989). Roger Ebbatson detected Hardy’s subordinate novels and explains Hardy’s intensive idea toward the world and society in his Hardy: The Margin of the Unexpressed (1993).
2.2 Research on the Politeness Principle Approach to Conversation Analysis
Politeness principle is well applied in analyzing the conversation such as English Business Letter, English drama and Comedy Situation. Wang Weixin made a pragmatic analysis to the conversation in Poor Koko. He believed that politeness principle was a good way to understand the characteristic and relationship between the writer and the thief and promoted the development of the story (W.X. Wang, 2012). Si Fucheng made the application of cooperative principle and politeness principle in English Business Letter. He found that politeness principle maxims in different cultures are indispensible for conducting successful business in commercial correspondence (Si. 2003). Cooperative principle can make the smoothness of the conversation and politeness principle can explain why people go against the cooperative principle. The combination of politeness principle and English business letter makes the description more brief and the writer easy to be understood. Politeness principle has also been used in analyzing the conversation in novels. Chen Mingjuan made an analysis of the conversation in Pride and Prejudice, and found that social dimensions affect gender differences in speaking patterns. Zhou Shujing and Dong Chuanjie used politeness principle to analyze the conversational silence. They found that conversational silence could save face and also avoided the imposition, confrontation or embarrassment (2014). It could be considered as remedy strategy of the conversation. Politeness principal can be well applied in understanding the conflict talk of characteristics. After the analyzing of the conflict talks, they also proposed the effective method to solve the conflict.
Chapter Three TREORETICAL FOUNDATION .......... 8
3.1 Face Theory .......... 8
3.2 Politeness Principle.......... 9
4.1Maxims Used by Gabriel Oak .............. 13
4.2 Maxims Used by Boldwood ..... 22
4.3 Maxims Used by Sergeant Troy .......... 30
Chapter Five CONCLUSION ...... 39
5.1 Major Findings .............. 39
5.2 Limitations .......... 40
4.1Maxims Used by Gabriel Oak
As one of the earliest Wessex novels, “Far from the Madding crowd” describes Gabriel Oak as a young man of sound judgment, easy motions, honesty, proper dress, loyalty, and general good character (Hardy, 2011). Gabriel is a shepherd, and has his own small farm and some sheep. He is looking after the sheep and hopes for a better future. However, it is because of his dog’s mistake that he lost all of his sheep one night. He said it is lucky that Bathsheba did not marry to him or she would have lived a hard live. Then he goes to Weatherbury, the place which Bathsheba also lives, to look for a job. There he helps Bathsheba put out a fire and save the whole farmland. Thus, he is employed as a shepherd there. Year after year, farmer Oak servers the farm heart and soul without any complain. In this novel, many words have been used to describe these two persons, and so are their conversations. Here the thesis lists the following conversations for discussion to detect the maxim Gabriel Oak has used in his request conversations.
Request conversation is one of the most difficult conversations to be analyzed (X.R. Chen, 2013). It needs the learner to have a lot of culture knowledge, language skill, and high talent in appropriateness (Blum-Kulka & Olshtain, 1984, p.206). In 1979, Searle divided speech act into five parts. They are representatives, directives, commissives, expressives, and declarations. Request belongs to the directives. It means that to request is in some sense to direct somebody to do something. So from this perspective of the politeness principle, the request conversations must threaten the face to the hearers. Politeness principle is the principle that tries to make the maximum of the politeness to others. It enlarges the benefit of the others and reduces the loss in them. The politeness principle can be used to analyze our conversation. By using the politeness principle to analyze the three admirers’ conversations, this paper has the following findings.
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