本文关键词:我国自然科学学术成果流失现状及对策——基于2015年度国家自然科学奖初评获奖人学术论文成果的统计分析? 出处:《图书情报工作》2016年20期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:[目的 /意义]通过对我国自然科学领域的最高奖"国家自然科学奖"获得者产出的论文及论文存在状况的调查研究,切实掌握自然科学领域影响力较大的学术成果的流失现状,从数字资源保存和数字资源安全角度探索学术成果流失的对策。[方法 /过程]将对我国科学研究的学术成果不具有可用性和可持续性视为学术成果流失,采用文献计量法,对2015年度国家自然科学奖初评公示项目第一完成人近5年的科技论文产出进行统计,对其成果流失现状进行分析。[结果 /结论]在当前和未来科学研究越来越全球化、国际化的趋势下,面对优质学术成果70.6%的流失率,需要从数字学术资源保存和安全角度确保我国科学研究的持续性,建立基于机构联盟的协同型学科知识库,创建数字学术资源保存联盟,通过顶层设计构建国家数字学术信息资源安全保障体系。
[Abstract]:[Objective / significance] through the investigation and research on the thesis and the existence of the winner of the National Natural Science Award, the highest prize in the field of natural science in China. This paper tries to grasp the current situation of the loss of academic achievements with great influence in the field of natural science, and probes into the countermeasures for the loss of academic achievements from the point of view of the preservation of digital resources and the security of digital resources. [Methods / process] the lack of usability and sustainability of academic achievements in scientific research in China is regarded as a loss of academic achievements, and bibliometrics is adopted. This paper makes statistics on the output of science and technology papers of the first completed project of the National Natural Science Award of the year 2015, and analyzes the current situation of the loss of the achievements. [Results / conclusion] under the trend of globalization and internationalization of current and future scientific research, there is a loss rate of 70.6% in the face of high quality academic achievements. It is necessary to ensure the sustainability of scientific research from the perspective of preservation and security of digital academic resources, to establish a collaborative knowledge base of disciplines based on institutional alliances, and to create a coalition of preservation of digital academic resources. Through the top-level design to build the national digital academic information resources security system.
【作者单位】: 东北师范大学图书馆;
【正文快照】: 1引言 科技论文是国家科技持续创新的基础,是国家的战略资产。《2014年全国科技经费投入统计公报》数据显示,2014年我国研发经费投入总量为13 015.6亿元,比上年增加1 169亿元,增长9.9%;研发经费投入强度为2.05%(研发经费与GDP的比值),比上年提高0.04个百分点[1]。随着国家科
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