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发布时间:2016-12-06 12:05




之前的demo看起来已经很真了,当然是在大家,一步一步step by step的情况下,被各种初始化的代码虐的体无完肤后的,才会有这么个感受。但是从一个对计算机图形无感的人来看,这当然是很粗糙的,比如看起来比较‘平’光线好像,对比不正常,所以我们现在要使用多重纹理,在这个新的demo里面我们使用了以下三种贴图




法线贴图的本质是将一种额外的网格属性编码成RGB值存储在一张位图文件中,和光线的关系很大,光线入射到模型表面以后,发射光的方向就取决于法线方向。所以物体的明暗效果,就是由法线和光线决定的,而法线贴图,就是他们的基础色因为 漫反射下 漫反射光颜色 = 基础色*入射光颜色*cosa 。这个基础色就是法线贴图中获取的颜色。



demo来自第三章earth-shader.js 建议大家自己对照着官方demo看,这里暂时不提供下载,后续会集体放出


// ConstructorEarthApp = function(){ Sim.App.call(this);}// Subclass Sim.App// 还是继承Sim.AppEarthApp.prototype = new Sim.App();// Our custom initializer/** * [init description]自定义初始化对象 * @param {[type]} param [description] * @return {[type]} [description] * @author {[name]} Daniel Wong * @date {[date]} * @about {[关于]} */EarthApp.prototype.init = function(param){ // Call superclass init code to set up scene, renderer, default camera //这里已经包括了必须的scene renderer camera Sim.App.prototype.init.call(this, param); // Create the Earth and add it to our sim // 初始化地球(在下面定义)传递给SIm框架 var earth = new Earth(); earth.init(); this.addObject(earth);// Let there be light! // 初始化光线,传递给地球 var sun = new Sun(); sun.init(); this.addObject(sun);}// Custom Earth class/** * [Earth description]自定义地球 * @author {[name]} Daniel Wong * @date {[date]} * @about {[关于]} */Earth = function(){ Sim.Object.call(this);}Earth.prototype = new Sim.Object();//以上为继承自Sim.Object 和基于类的继承有差别/** * [init description]创建一个群组(在里面创建地球这个整体包含的球和云) * @return {[type]} [description] * @author {[name]} Daniel Wong * @date {[date]} * @about {[关于]} */Earth.prototype.init = function(){ // Create a group to contain Earth and Clouds var earthGroup = new THREE.Object3D();// Tell the framework about our object this.setObject3D(earthGroup);//这两句什么意思?? // Add the earth globe and clouds // 添加球和云(两者在下文定义)到框架里面 this.createGlobe(); this.createClouds();}/** * [createGlobe description]创建地球的球体 * @return {[type]} [description] * @author {[name]} Daniel Wong * @date {[date]} * @about {[关于]}以上属于为了让逻辑清晰的封装,从这个函数开始才是干货 * */Earth.prototype.createGlobe = function(){ // Create our Earth with nice texture - normal map for elevation, specular highlights //创建多重纹理,法线贴图,高光贴图 var surfaceMap = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "../images/earth_surface_2048.jpg" ); var normalMap = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "../images/earth_normal_2048.jpg" ); var specularMap = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "../images/earth_specular_2048.jpg" ); var shader = THREE.ShaderUtils.lib[ "normal" ], //法线贴图着色器 uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( shader.uniforms ); //用之前的法线贴图着色器 创建一个uniforms对象 uniforms[ "tNormal" ].texture = normalMap; //将之前创建的多重贴图 填充进uniforms对象 uniforms[ "tDiffuse" ].texture = surfaceMap; //法线贴图着色器程序至少需要一张法线贴图纹理来计算凹凸值 uniforms[ "tSpecular" ].texture = specularMap; uniforms[ "enableDiffuse" ].value = true; uniforms[ "enableSpecular" ].value = true; var shaderMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({ fragmentShader: shader.fragmentShader, //片元着色器 vertexShader: shader.vertexShader, //定点着色器 uniforms: uniforms, lights: true }); var globeGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(1, 32, 32); // We'll need these tangents for our shader //计算切线,(默认情况three.js不会为几何体计算切线),切线是用于计算法线贴图值时必要的向量值 globeGeometry.computeTangents(); var globeMesh = new THREE.Mesh( globeGeometry, shaderMaterial ); // Let's work in the tilt // 绕x轴偏离一定角度,模拟地球黄道 globeMesh.rotation.x = Earth.TILT; // Add it to our group // 将这个球的globeMesh添加到框架里面 this.object3D.add(globeMesh); // Save it away so we can rotate it // 本身globeMesh为局部变量,无法在其它函数调用,在这里保存globeMesh到this对象,以供下面调用 this.globeMesh = globeMesh;}Earth.prototype.createClouds = function(){ // Create our clouds // 创建云首先是创建一个贴图,使用兰伯特光照材质 var cloudsMap = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "../images/earth_clouds_1024.png" ); var cloudsMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 0xffffff, map: cloudsMap, transparent:true } ); //创建云的网格 var cloudsGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(Earth.CLOUDS_SCALE, 32, 32); cloudsMesh = new THREE.Mesh( cloudsGeometry, cloudsMaterial ); cloudsMesh.rotation.x = Earth.TILT; // Add it to our group this.object3D.add(cloudsMesh); // Save it away so we can rotate it // 存在this对象里面,供下面调用,实现一些计算(自转) this.cloudsMesh = cloudsMesh;}/** * [update description]update这个程序运行时,每一帧都会调用这里的内容 * @return {[type]} [description] * @author {[name]} Daniel Wong * @date {[date]} 2015-07-01T10:45:38+0800 * @about {[关于]} */Earth.prototype.update = function(){ // "I feel the Earth move..." // 使地球绕y轴旋转,一定角度,因为每一帧都会调用,所以实现了自转的效果 this.globeMesh.rotation.y += Earth.ROTATION_Y; // "Clouds, too..." //使地球绕y轴旋转,一定角度,因为每一帧都会调用,,所以实现了自转的效果 this.cloudsMesh.rotation.y += Earth.CLOUDS_ROTATION_Y; Sim.Object.prototype.update.call(this);//}Earth.ROTATION_Y = 0.001;Earth.TILT = 0.41;Earth.CLOUDS_SCALE = 1.005;Earth.CLOUDS_ROTATION_Y = Earth.ROTATION_Y * 0.95;// Custom Sun class/** * [Sun description]创建太阳光 * @author {[name]} Daniel Wong * @date {[date]} 2015-07-01T10:48:34+0800 * @about {[关于]} */Sun = function(){ Sim.Object.call(this);}Sun.prototype = new Sim.Object();Sun.prototype.init = function(){ // Create a point light to show off the earth - set the light out back and to left a bit // 创建一个点光源模拟太阳 var light = new THREE.PointLight( 0xffffff, 2, 100); light.position.set(-10, 0, 20);// Tell the framework about our object // 传递给框架 this.setObject3D(light); }





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