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ⅰ 再版序言 preface to the second edition
xv 译者序

第一部分 成功的客户服务
part one succeeding at customer service

3 第一章 客户服务基本原理概述
chapter 1 basics of customer service
4 对我意味着什么?
what's in it for me?
5 客户类型分析
different kinds of customers
7 当务之急——打破客服神话
first things first—dispelling an important customer service myth
8 了解客户需求
understanding what customers want
10 如何充分利用这本书
how to get the most from this book
11 注意事项
11 寄语那些希望帮助别人学会客服技巧的人
for those wanting to help others learn customer service skills

23 第二章 客户服务的工具和技巧
chapter 2 customer service tools and techniques
24 提供超出客户期望值的服务 above and beyond the call of duty
24 确认客户需求 acknowledge customer's needs
24 认可客户诉求,切忌纠缠不休 acknowledge without encouraging
25 积极倾听 active listening
25 承认错误 admit mistakes
26 允许客户发泄不满 allow venting
26 适时道歉 apologize
27 适当的肢体语言 appropriate nonverbals
27 适度的微笑 appropriate smiles
27 必要的后续行动 arrange follow-up
28 探究性提问 ask probing questions
28 向客户保证尽力为之 assurances of effort
29 保证给予结果 assurances of results
29 规避旁观 audience removal
29 馈赠礼品以收买人心 broken record
30 迂回策略 close interactions positively
31 恪守常规礼仪 common courtesy
31 履行后续回访 complete follow-up
32 随时和安全部门、有关领导和管理部门保持联系 contact security\/authorities\/management
32 适度松弛减缓紧张气氛 disengage
33 转移客户注意力 distract
33 同感陈述疏导客户情绪 empathy statements
34 加快进度提高办事效率 expedite
34 给予专业性建议 expert recommendations
35 解释推理过程或者行为 explain reasoning or actions
35 保全面子 face-saving out
36 求同存异 find agreement points
36 善后\/回访客户 finish off\/follow up
36 给客户单独相处的空间 isolate\/detach customer
37 平心静气坦诚相待 level
37 应对高度差(肢体语言) manage height differentials\/nonverbals
37 恰当应对人际空间距离 manage interpersonal distance
39 避免落入圈套 not taking the bait
39 给客户留出选择余地 offering choices\/empowering
39 做到语言表述通俗易懂 plain language
40 掌握主动先发制人 preemptive strike
41 保护隐私与机密 privacy and confidentiality
41 晓以利弊 pros and cons
41 提供预案供客户选择 provide alternatives
42 提供便于携带的材料以备客户查阅 provide a customer takeaway
42 提供解释 provide explanations
43 以提问代陈述 question instead of state
43 向上级主管请示 refer to supervisor
44 向第三方咨询求助refer to third party
44 重新聚焦问题 refocus
45 设定底线 set limits
46 有人也这么认为(中立模式) some people think that (neutral mode)
47 示意客户停下(非言语行为) stop sign-nonverbal
47 提供选择以免客户无为等待 suggest an alternative to waiting
48 总结谈话内容 summarize the conversation
48 电话里的沉默 telephone silence
49 表达感谢 thank-yous
49 暂时休息调整 time out
49 善于称呼客户名字 use customer's name
50 掌握时机应对发怒的客户 use of timing with angry customers
50 运用语言软化剂 verbal softeners
51 运用强调语气 voice tone—emphatic
51 确定时间的提问 when question
52 学会说“你是对的!” you're right!

第二部分 客服案例应对策略详解
part two dealing with specific customer situations
83 1. 如何应对迟到或者预感到要迟到的情况
1. when you're late or know you'll be late
84 2. 如何应对需要匆忙赶时间的客户
2. when a customer is in a hurry
86 3. 如何应对在一群等待的顾客面前插队的客户
3. when a customer jumps ahead in a line of waiting customers
87 4. 如何应对要求优先被服务的客户
4. when a customer asks to be served ahead of other waiting customers
89 5. 如何应对正在进行的客服谈话被第三方打断的情形
5. when a customer interrupts a discussion between the employee and another customer
90 6. 如何应对因不愉快的经历对你的公司抱有负面看法的客户
6. when a customer has a negative attitude about your company due to past experiences
92 7. 如何应对向客户解释公司政策或程序的情况
7. when you need to explain a company policy or procedure
94 8. 如何应对无法取得客户信任的局面
8. when a customer might be mistrustful
96 9. 如何应对客户遇到语音信箱困境的情况
9. when the customer has been through voice-mail hell
98 10. 如何应对遇到语言交流障碍的情况
10. when a customer is experiencing a language barrier
100 11. 如何应对客户面临被“踢皮球”的情况
11. when the customer has been “buck-passed”
102 12. 如何应对被要求按照规定执行一系列行动的客户
12. when a customer needs to follow a sequence of actions
103 13. 如何应对客户对你能力的质疑与羞辱
13. when the customer insults your competence
105 14. 如何应对电话中客户的喋喋不休
14. when a customer won't stop talking on the phone
106 15. 如何应对客户的吵闹与人身攻击(1)
15. when the customer swears or yells (1)
109 16. 如何应对客户的吵闹与人身攻击(2)
16. when the customer swears or yells (2)
111 17. 如何应对电话上客户的喋喋不休或辱骂(1)
17. when a customer won't stop talking and is getting abusive on the phone (1)
113 18. 如何应对客户在电话中的喋喋不休或辱骂(2)
18. when a customer won't stop talking and is getting abusive on the phone (2)
115 19. 如何应对一直在排队等候的客户
19. when a customer has been waiting in a line
117 20. 如何处理自己无法回答的问题
20. when you don't have the answer
119 21. 如何应对无人可以回答客户问题的情况
21. when nobody handy has the answer
121 22. 如何应对电话中客户需要等待的问题
22. when you need to place a caller on hold
123 23. 如何应对需要转接电话的客户
23. when you need to route a customer phone call
125 24. 如何应对无权处理的问题
24. when you lack the authority to...
127 25. 如何应对客户要与上司见面的威胁
25. when a customer threatens to go over your head
128 26. 如何应对客户要求与主管谈话
26. when a customer demands to speak with your supervisor
130 27. 如何应对客户要求和主管谈话但主管没空的情况
27. when a customer demands to speak with your supervisor, who isn't available
132 28. 如何应对客户到报社曝光的威胁
28. when a customer threatens to complain to the press
134 29. 如何应对客户要求与负责人见面
29. when a customer demands to speak to the “person in charge”
136 30. 如何应对客户犯的令人尴尬的错误
30. when a customer makes an embarrassing mistake
139 31. 如何应对客户因担心隐私泄漏而不愿透露个人信息的状况
31. when a customer withholds information due to privacy concerns
141 32. 如何应对来自客户的与人身伤害或财产损失有关的威胁
32. when a customer threatens bodily harm or property damage
144 33. 如何应对不了解自己需求的客户
33. when a customer is confused about what he or she wants or needs
147 34. 如何应对客户带有种族歧视的言论
34. when a customer makes a racist remark
149 35. 如何应对客户带有性别歧视的言论
35. when a customer makes a sexist remark
151 36. 如何应对客户拒绝离开的状况
36. when a customer refuses to leave
153 37. 如何应对客户对客服人员种族歧视的控诉
37. when a customer accuses you of racism
155 38. 如何应对客户的挑拨离间(某某人说)
38. when a customer plays one employee off another (“so-and-so said”)
157 39. 如何应对客户可能的行窃
39. when a customer might be stealing
159 40. 如何应对客户当众吵闹有意引起旁观
40. when a customer is playing to an audience of other customers
161 41. 如何应对有“被动-攻击”行为倾向的客户
41. when a customer exhibits passive-aggressive behavior
163 42. 如何应对试图用非语言方式威胁人的客户
42. when a customer uses nonverbal attempts to intimidate
165 43. 如何应对纠缠不清、反复打电话的客户
43. when a customer makes persistent and frequent phone calls
167 44. 如何应对其他客服人员没有回复(回拨)电话的状况
44. when someone else is not responding (no callback)
169 45. 如何应对需要澄清的承诺
45. when you need to clarify commitments
171 46. 如何应对索要不允许公开的信息的客户
46. when a customer wants information you're not allowed to give
172 47. 如何应对客户主动提出改进客服工作的情况
47. when a customer makes a suggestion to improve service
174 48. 如何应对找不到客户订单或者合同的情形
48. when you can't find a customer's reservation\/appointment
176 49. 如何跟进处理客户投诉\/电话回访
49. when you're following up on a customer complaint
178 50. 如何准确识别内部客户
50. properly identifying the internal customer
180 51. 如何应对不遵循服务咨询流程的内部客户
51. when an internal customer isn't following procedures to request service
182 52. 如何应对某些客户提出的不适当的商品或服务要求
52. when the customer wants something?that won't fill his need
184 53. 当你需要客户的反馈信息时
53. when you want feedback from the customer
186 54. 如何应对客户对繁琐的手续、文书的抱怨
54. when a customer complains about red tape and paperwork
188 55. 如何回复客户的投诉信件
55. when you need to respond to a customer complaint made in writing
190 56. 当预约信息丢失,你不能兑现承诺时
56. when a reservation\/appointment is lost and you can't meet the commitment
192 57. 如何面对在接待室长时间等候的客户
57. when customers are waiting in a waiting room
194 58. 如何应对客户对商家已发现的问题的投诉
58. when a customer complains about a known problem
196 59. 如何应对客户提出的不合时宜的问题
59. when a customer asks inappropriate questions
197 60. 如何应对客户提出的不可接受的商品退换要求
60. when a customer tries an unacceptable merchandise return

第三部分 社交传媒与客户服务关系
part three social media and customer service

321 社交传媒平台与客户服务关系分析
the connection between social media and customer service
325 61. 扫描-关注-搜索(主动出击)
61. scanning, watching, searching (proactive)
326 62. 类选治疗法——争取主动,优先处理重要客户投诉
62. triage: proactively prioritizing complaints\/comments
328 63. 与客户取得联系
63. contact!
330 64. 主动出击,,处理客户投诉
64. proactive complaint handling







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