《机电专业英语》试卷(A)及答案 一. 翻译词汇
1 板料冲压 sheet metal parts 2 技术要求 technical requirements 3 机械制图 Mechan 4 塑性变形 plastic distortion 5 脆性材料 brittleness material 6 淬火 hardening 7 回火 tempering 8 主轴 spi
ndle 9 加工中心 machining center 10 铸造 found 11 机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integr 12 精加工 finish machining 13 粗加工 rough machining 14 变速箱体 gearbox casingation 15 伺服电机 actuating motor
1.Springs are used as cushions to absorb shock . ( 弹簧被用作吸收 振动的缓冲器。 ) 2.The simplest example is a blacksmith’s forging of a hot piece of metal by hammering the workpiece on an anvil . ( 最简单的例子就是
铁匠在砧座上用锤子锻打红热的金属块。 ) 3.material(bonded to two separated collinear cylindrical members)( 固接在两个分离共线的圆筒形构件上的材料 ) ; 4. (which in turn can be fastened onto the two shafts by means of setscrews or other fasteners . ( 通过定位螺钉或其他紧固件将其固定 在 两个轴上。 ) 5.Brittle materials have high compressive strength but only a moderate tensile strength . ( 脆性材料抗压强度较高,抗拉强度只有 中等水平。 )
1.Themain components of the lathe are the headstock and tailstock at opposite ends of a bed , and a tool post between them which holds the cutting too1 . ( 车床的主要部件是主轴箱、尾座和刀架,主轴箱与 尾座位于床身的两端,用于夹持刀具的刀架置于主轴箱与尾座之 间。 ) 2.If a hard grade wheel was to be used for grinding a hard material , the dull grains would not be pulled off from the bond quickly enough , thus impeding the self dressing process of the surface of the wheel and finally resulting in clogging of the wheel and burns on the ground surface . ( 如果使用硬砂轮磨削硬的材料,磨钝的磨粒就不能很快 从粘结体上脱落,这样便妨碍砂轮表面的自休整过程,最终导致砂轮
的堵塞并在被磨表面留下灼斑。 ) 3.This soft silvergray metal could be converted into a superhard substance that could cut glass and many other substances, including itself when soft . ( 这种银灰色的软金属可以转换成一种超硬的物质,该 物质可以切削玻璃和许多其他物质,包括处于软状态的该物质本 身。 ) 4,which is usually negligible in conventional finish grinding and creep feed grinding. The grinding tem- perature at the finish surface can be much lower than that at the wheel–work contact surface, owing 这在常规的精磨和缓进给磨削中,,通常是忽略的。由于在工件内相对 较小的热渗透深度和不断去除的磨削碎片, 在完成表面的磨削温度可 以大大低于砂轮-加工接触面处 5.The partitioning of the grinding heat to the different heat sinks (workpiece, wheel, grinding fluid, and grinding chips) varies with process conditions and is a controlling factor when designing a grinding pro- cess, in order to work within a safe regime without causing any thermal damage to the workpiece.磨削热对不同受热体(工件、砂轮、磨削液 和磨削碎片)的分配随着加工条件而变,而且在设计磨削工艺是是一 个控制因素, 以便在一个不至于引起工件热损伤的安全安全状况下工 作
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