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工程硕士学位论文:生态公益林管理系统的 设计与应用

发布时间:2016-10-19 14:28

摘 要  




In today's rapid economic development, human beings in constant pursuit of economic benefits also increased attention on the surrounding environment. To this end, it implemented a series of green measures, such as: establishment of green protection belts, also called eco-forestry, forest. This series of protective green belt will not only accelerate the pace of economic development, and can generate a lot of social energy. Far for protection forest belt in the pursuit of profit of the improvement to its surrounding environment, saving of endangered species, mankind still lives in a colorful world, is an important contribution. Forest trees will not be used for production and manufacture of furniture and other wood products, but barriers on the surrounding environment.

In this article, the main objectives are discussed in using our computer technology can deliver technical level, completing the study of ecological forest. Starting from the most basic and fundamental, in all its aspects, this article had a lot of arguments, take a lot of examples, and analysis and compared them to obtain scientific and accurate conclusions. Forest management systems, specific operational step is divided into five steps, this five-step analysis completed for systematic certification of the entire system, and deep discussion of the prospects for its development. Public welfare forest management system will collect a variety of information, to integrate and analyses, and open on the network, so that Employees can participated, Make the job easier. This article is based on GIS system of ecological forest protection, in the process, a large number of studies have been conducted, establishing a wide variety of models, and the discussion and analysis of each of the models, is the center of discussion on the prospects for the future development of GIS system. This article had a lot of discussions on this issue, and cited a number of examples to demonstrate, through the analysis of models and draw a lot of conclusions of this thesis, and made corresponding effects, and these will be discussed in a powerful public forest system's future prospects.
Features from the forest resources information and management needs, and to the second class survey of forest resources data and a variety of surface materials (such as topographic maps, stock map, thematic maps) as an information source, J2EE, and combined with the ArcGIS Engine9.2 three-layer spatial engine development, space, property database, unified storage and management of information and other data information. System cover class ⅱ investigation to forest resource, forest resource management, forest management, forest (planting design), inspection and acceptance, and facilitates data management and application of forestry business units, integrated forest resource dynamic monitoring information collection, management, and decision support services, digital, virtual simulation, decision support and optimization and visualization functions. This system has the characteristics of scalability, compatibility, divided into different functional modules plugins, each plugin perform a variety of functions, each function plugin with good portability. System has a user-friendly interface, all Chinese, simplified, easy to learn and use features such as function to facilitate grass-roots users to learn and use.
Key words  Ecological forest, MIS, Geographic information systems, Benefit appraise

目  录

第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 3
1.2.1 国外的研究现状 3
1.2.2 我国的研究现状 4
1.3 本文研究内容 5
第 二 章 系统开发方面相关技术概述 7
2.1 地理信息系统GIS 7
2.1.1 基本概念 7
2.1.2 发展方向 7
2.1.3 常用的GIS软件 10
2.2 软件的体系和结构 13
2.3 NET技术 15
2.3.1 .NET Framework 15
2.3.2 APS.NET 15
2.3.3 C# 16
2.4 统一建模语言 18
第 三 章 生态公益林管理系统的需求分析 20
3.1 基本信息管理需求分析 20
3.1.1 公益林资源管理 20
3.1.2 对公益林补偿对象的管理 21
3.1.3 对用户信息的管理 21
3.2 公益林建设管理需求分析 21
3.3 公益林资金管理需求分析 22
3.4 公益林管护分析 23
3.5 系统管理分析 23
第 四 章 生态公益林管理系统的设计 25
4.1 系统的分析 25
4.1.1 可行性分析 25
4.1.2 用户需求调研分析 26
4.1.3 系统的目标和功能 26
4.2 系统架构 28
4.2.1 系统的技术路线 28
4.2.2 系统的总体结构 28
4.2.3 系统功能设计 29
4.3 数据库设计 32
4.3.1 数据库设计的特点 32
4.3.2 数据库设计基本步骤 33
4.3.3 数据库表结构 34
4.4 系统安全设计 38
4.4.1 用户安全管理 38
4.4.2 数据安全 38
第 五 章 生态公益林管理系统的开发与实现 39
5.1 系统开发环境 39
5.1.1 硬件环境 39
5.1.2 系统开发运行环境 39
5.2 界面开发的原则 39
5.3 数据管理的实现 40
5.4 资金管理的实现 43
5.5 数据查询的实现 45
5.6 数据统计的实现 48
致    谢 52
参考文献 53

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义
根据《中华人民共和国森林法》中的规定,我国的森林共分为五大林种,防护林和特种用途林是其中的两个大类。防护林是指以防护为主要目的的森林和林木,防护林又可以细分为水源涵养林,防风固沙林等等六个类型;而特种用途林则是指以国防、科学实验、环境保护等为主要目的森林和林木,包括了国防林、环境保护林等几类林种,另外还包括名胜古迹和革命纪念地的林木和自然保护区的森林。在林业上,一般将防护林和特种用途林统称为公益林[1] 。




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