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发布时间:2019-06-13 14:49
[Abstract]:Animation performance, as the core part of animation, is the most important part of animation creation, and it is the main means to reflect the character, emotion and promote the development of the plot. Most of the existing animation performances are based on the movement law of Disney animation in the United States. How to establish an animation performance mode in line with the connotation of Chinese culture is an important topic in the development of animation. Any artistic creation can not be separated from the root of the artist, even in the current global integration, local consciousness has always affected the artist's understanding of artistic creation, as well as animation creation. Chinese opera comes from the stage, refined, beautiful, singing and dancing narrative, and animation performance has the same wonderful, but different from the existing performance system in the West. The unique stylized and stage-based performance forms of opera all have a strong national flavor, which is of great significance for Chinese animation to create its own unique nationalized animation performance. The reference and reference of animation performance to opera performance is feasible at the practical level, which has been proved again and again by many fine Chinese animation works. However, in the process of animation development, Chinese animation has lost many excellent traditions and blindly caters to foreign animation forms, which has been proved by reality to be a dead end. At this time, it is of great practical significance for us to look back for our own tradition.


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5 本报见习记者  韩t,




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