[Abstract]:Tarkovsky's films are obscure to most people and have always been excluded by the mainstream film industry. of course, understanding Tarkovsky's films also needs to be distinguished from the mainstream film thinking, because Tarkovsky's film language is original and has a strong personal color. Takovsky firmly believes that one of the very important reasons for the existence of the film is that it is a part of life, of course, The art form of film is also very suitable for expressing all aspects of life. Tacovsky's films have too many "real" and "untrue", the continuous cross-fusion of reality and dreams, true and false, interspersed between different lenses, so that people are as drunk as ever, deeply attracted by their unique image style, and convey a strong religious temperament under the dreamy lens. Through the analysis of film language, this paper tries to explore the essence of life and the spiritual world of human beings in his films tirelessly. It can be seen that Tarkovsky's poetry is based on the meaning of the essence of life, and these feelings of life from the heart have risen to the thinking of human existence in the spiritual world, and we can not ignore the soil of his view of film. This is the Russian traditional culture and strong religious background, his film is also the identity of his own national culture. This paper mainly studies the religious factors in director Tarkovsky's films. Tarkovsky has made eight films in his life, which make up the whole of his artistic career. This paper is divided into three parts to discuss. The first part is the religious exposition of the Tacovsky film, the second part is about the religious characteristics of the Tacovsky film, and the third part is about the religious temperament of the film language in the Tacovsky film. Based on Tarkovsky's films and various film languages, this paper analyzes the religious symbols in the films, especially his last two films, homesickness and sacrifice, which show a strong religious color both in the film language and in the theme.
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