本文关键词: 游戏翻译 翻译技巧 翻译理论应用 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:现代生活中充斥着各式各样的小型文化元素,ACG (Animation, Comic, Game)文化是一种新兴的文化类型,随之而来的是大量的外来动漫、游戏,这也是了解外国文化的一种简单有效的途径。同时,也出现了很多问题,例如作品的汉化工作。选择这样的题材也是出于我对ACG文化的喜爱,同时为喜爱ACG文化但是理解英文有困难的人士提供方便。 国内自主研发的单机游戏不多,好游戏也少之又少。(仙剑奇侠传系列是个例外)。而大多数国产游戏均是武侠类题材的,内容较为单一。相比之下,欧美的魔幻、中世纪骑士风格更受中国玩家喜爱。但因为政策的不同,外来游戏需要更长时间的审核期,加上需要进行汉化处理,这样中国玩家要想接触外来游戏,通常要花很长时间。游戏网站是玩家最快了解游戏的途径。因此,游戏网站的翻译实用性很强,受众群体也很广泛。通过这个译作,希望能帮助大家了解游戏,并为英语欠佳的玩家提供方便。 本文首先介绍论文主题的背景、相关知识、翻译进度安排等。然后从不同层面阐述游戏的语言特点,第三章通过实例分析,介绍翻译过程中运用的技巧、翻译时遇到的难点及解决办法。最后总结作者在翻译实践中的收获以及翻译此作的意义。
[Abstract]:Modern life is full of all kinds of small cultural elements: ACG Animation, Comic, Game. culture is a new type of culture, followed by a large number of foreign animation, games, which is also a simple and effective way to understand foreign culture. There are also a lot of problems, such as the Chinese work of works. I also choose such a subject out of my love for ACG culture, and for people who love ACG culture but have difficulty in understanding English. There are not many stand-alone games developed independently in China, and few good games. (the Chinese Paladin series is an exception. Most of the domestic games are martial arts subjects with relatively simple content. In contrast, the magic of Europe and the United States, Medieval chivalry style is more popular with Chinese players. However, due to different policies, foreign games require a longer review period, plus the need for Chinese processing, so that Chinese players want to contact foreign games, It usually takes a long time. The game site is the quickest way for players to understand the game. Therefore, the translation of the game site is very practical, and the audience is also very wide. Through this translation, we hope to help everyone understand the game. And for poor English players to provide convenience. This paper first introduces the background, relevant knowledge, translation schedule and so on. Then, it expounds the language characteristics of the game from different aspects. Chapter three introduces the skills used in the process of translation through the analysis of examples. Finally, the author summarizes the author's achievements in translation practice and the significance of translation.
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