本文选题:传统动画 切入点:数字动画 出处:《重庆大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:中国动画的发展主要分为传统动画时期和数字动画时期,戏曲艺术对这两个时期的动画表演风格产生了重要影响。戏曲艺术作为中国最早的舞台艺术,经过其漫长的发展形成了完善的戏曲表演体系。中国传统动画中的表演就是以汲取戏曲程式化表演为主要表演特征的艺术表现形式。在数字动画时期,数字技术的介入,动画制作手段和传播媒介发生了变革,使戏曲化表演在数字动画中赋有新时代特征。2007年“中国戏曲经典原创动画工程”的启动标志着戏曲动画的诞生。在五年的发展时间里,制作手法和内容表现上还不成熟,特别是如何将戏曲艺术的表演精髓融入数字动画中,是亟待解决的问题。本文旨在对中国动画不同发展阶段中的戏曲化表演做深入研究,为戏曲动画中表演艺术与数字技术的和谐统一提供行之有效的方法。 本文以动画表演和戏曲表演为切入点,综合运用特征论、媒介论为理论基础对两者进行对比分析,交叉研究,归纳出它们的共性和个性特征。通过理论引证及影片例证对中国传统动画经典案例进行系统分析,总结出中国传统动画中的戏曲化表演特点。在此基础上,结合数字技术,论证出中国数字动画中的戏曲化表演特征。以戏曲化表演在传统动画和数字动画中发展为鉴,对戏曲化表演风格在中国动画未来发展进行可行性论证,同时也证明戏曲化表演在中国动画发展中存在很高的价值意义:一方面,为戏曲艺术注入新鲜元素,加强了戏曲艺术的多元性,为衰落的戏曲艺术提供了新的传播途径;另一方面,在经济一体化、文化多元化的趋势下,戏曲动画在处于探索期的中国动画发展中兴起,标志着中国数字动画走向民族化道路,,推动动漫产业发展,树立中国动画的民族品牌形象。
[Abstract]:The development of Chinese animation is mainly divided into the traditional animation period and the digital animation period, and the opera art has an important influence on the animation performance style of these two periods. After its long development, it has formed a perfect opera performance system. The performance in the Chinese traditional animation is the art form which is characterized by absorbing the stylized performance of traditional Chinese opera. In the period of digital animation, digital technology is involved. The means of animation production and the media of communication have changed, so that the theatrical performance has a new era characteristic in the digital animation. In 2007, the launch of the "Chinese Opera Classical original Animation Project" marked the birth of the drama animation. In the five years of development, The production technique and the content performance are not mature, especially how to integrate the performance essence of the opera art into the digital animation, which is an urgent problem to be solved. The purpose of this paper is to make an in-depth study on the opera performance in different stages of the development of Chinese animation. It provides an effective method for the harmony and unity of performing art and digital technology in drama animation. In this paper, animation performance and opera performance as a breakthrough point, comprehensive use of feature theory, media theory as the theoretical basis for comparative analysis of the two, cross-research, Generality and individuality of them are summarized. The classic cases of Chinese traditional animation are systematically analyzed by theoretical citation and film examples, and the characteristics of traditional Chinese traditional animation are summed up. On this basis, combined with digital technology, With the development of traditional animation and digital animation as a reference, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of the future development of Chinese digital animation. At the same time, it also proves that the theatrical performance has high value significance in the development of Chinese animation: on the one hand, it infuses new elements into the opera art, strengthens the pluralism of the opera art, and provides a new way of spreading for the declining opera art; On the other hand, under the trend of economic integration and cultural diversity, drama animation is rising in the development of Chinese animation in the period of exploration, which marks the trend of Chinese digital animation towards nationalization and promotes the development of animation industry. Set up the national brand image of Chinese animation.
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