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发布时间:2018-08-05 19:29
【摘要】:从20世纪80年代开始,随着全球化思想在世界范围的深入和普及,国际间的交流和往来得到了前所未有的发展。然而,美国、欧洲、日本等发达国家依然占据着经济领域和文化产业的制高点,掌握着从影视、动漫、艺术、时尚到高科技产品的研发、设计和生产的主导权。在艺术设计领域,,早期的中国设计人员大多模仿欧美等国家的设计风格,随着近年来日韩文化风靡中国,许多设计人员转而模仿日韩的设计风格。中国拥有5000年悠久的历史,儒家思想,四大发明曾经对世界的繁荣和发展产生过深远的影响。然而到了近现代,我国的设计人员缺乏独创的原动力,一味效仿其它国家的设计风格,这是一个值得我们深入思考的问题。 本文首先追溯中国设计的起源是从以石器为代表的原始社会开始的,并且对旧石器时代和新石器时代的艺术设计风格进行了归纳与总结。然后从夏商周、春秋战国、秦汉、唐朝及五代十国、宋朝、元朝、明朝、清朝到近现代对中国各主要历史时期的设计理念和风格进行了总结和分析。 文章进一步阐述了世界史前时代与中国史前时代具有一定的相似性,同样是从以石器为代表的原始社会开始的,并且对世界旧石器时代和新石器时代的艺术设计风格进行了归纳与总结。然后对古埃及、古代两河流域文明、古印度、爱琴海文明、古希腊、古罗马、欧洲中世纪、文艺复兴直至近现代世界各主要历史时期的设计理念和风格进行了总结和分析。 本文随后介绍了中国艺术设计风格在各历史时期的国际影响力,然后对中国艺术设计风格目前在国际上所处的地位进行了分析。 文章进一步对中国与外国的设计风格进行了系统的对比和分析,将欧洲、美国、日本、韩国在艺术设计方面的亮点和精髓进行了归纳和总结,之后对如何创建独具中国特色的设计风格进行了探讨。 本文最后着重论述在世界范围内宣传推广中国艺术设计风格的方式,包括积极参加国际性的艺术设计类的比赛、博览会等活动;大力推动艺术设计类留学人员的互派;促进艺术设计协会和学会之间的互访与交流活动;以及持续开展中国对外形象的宣传和文化艺术的有效传播。
[Abstract]:Since the 1980s, with the deepening and popularization of globalization ideas in the world, international exchanges and exchanges have been unprecedented development. However, the developed countries such as the United States, Europe, Japan and other developed countries still occupy the commanding heights of the economic and cultural industries, and master the research from film and television, animation, art, fashion to high-tech products. In the field of art and design, most Chinese designers in the field of art and design mimic the design style of European and American countries. With the popularity of Japanese and Korean culture in China in recent years, many designers have turned to imitate Japan and South Korea's design style. China has 5000 years of history, Confucianism and the four great inventions once on the world. However, in modern times, however, the designers of our country lack the original motive force and imitate the design style of other countries. This is a question worthy of our deep thinking.
This article first traces back to the origin of Chinese design from the primitive society represented by stone tools, and summarized and summed up the artistic design style of the Paleolithic age and the Neolithic age, and then from the Xia Shang Zhou, the spring and Autumn period, the Warring States, the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and the modern times to China. The design concept and style of the historical period are summarized and analyzed.
The article further expounds that the prehistoric times of the world have a certain similarity with the prehistoric times of China. It also begins with the primitive society represented by the stone weapon, and sums up and summarizes the artistic design style of the old stone age and the Neolithic age. Then, the ancient Egypt, the ancient two river basins, the ancient India, and the Aegean The design concepts and styles of marine civilization, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, medieval Europe, Renaissance and modern world are summarized and analyzed.
This article then introduces the international influence of Chinese art design style in all historical periods, and then analyzes the status of Chinese art design style in the world at present.
The article makes a systematic comparison and analysis of the design style between China and foreign countries, summarizes the highlights and essence of Europe, the United States, Japan and Korea in the art design, and then discusses how to create a unique style of design with Chinese characteristics.
At the end of this article, the paper focuses on the way to promote the promotion of Chinese art design style in the world, including actively participating in international art design competitions, expositions and other activities, vigorously promoting the exchange of art design students, promoting the exchange of visits and exchanges between the Art Design Association and the society; and the continuous development. Publicity of China's external image and effective dissemination of culture and art.


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