发布时间:2018-09-04 19:03
【摘要】: 动画自诞生之日起,就以其独特的魅力吸引了无数的爱好者和观众群体。在经过百年的努力后,动画已经不再是孩子的专利,越来越多的人通过不同的渠道加入到卡通的阵营中来,其中,动画成为我们最不能忽视的一个重要部分。当代动画大国美国与日本都有自己的动画市场运做。中国动画现在的形式很严峻,在繁荣后的中国动画,出现过萧条甚至有过一段时间的断层“改革开放已近30载,但中国动画民族动画业并未随同国家经济一同起飞”。 如今一次很好的机会摆在我的面前,手机动画—动画的新载体,无论在发达的美国,还是在有动画之国的日本,手机动画也刚刚起步,可以说我们在同一个起跑线上,加之我们有全世界最大的无线网络运营商—中国移动和全世界最多的终端手机用户,这是欧美日本国不可比拟的,随着3G时代的到来终端技术的瓶颈已经不复存在,这就是我们去赶超他们的好机会。 本论文首先是基于大量真实的国内外的文献,对中日两国同一时期的发展的状况进行分析。其目的是,将三个国家的轨迹勾勒处来,找出中国动画发展滞后的原因。随着,第五媒体的手机的出现,一个新的载体,一个媒介,出现在我们的面前。这是带动中国动画发展的难得契机。再次,通过从中国移动通讯,中国的手机终端等分析中国手机动画发展机会。同时比较日本机动画的发展现状。从而找到适应中国手机动画发展的的道路,这就是本文的创新点。 本文的研究成果在于: 我们何必在我们已经相当落后的传统动漫上面与美日各国去争个寸长尺短!应该利用自己优势资源,把有限的精力和财力放在,我们更有优势的,更符合时代潮流的,见效更加迅速的手机动漫上来。
[Abstract]:Animation has attracted countless fans and audience groups with its unique charm since its birth. After a hundred years of efforts, animation is no longer a child's patent, more and more people join the cartoon camp through different channels, among which, animation has become the most important part we can not ignore. The United States and Japan have their own animation market. The form of Chinese animation is now very severe, after the prosperity of Chinese animation, there has been a depression or even a period of time, "the reform and opening up has been nearly 30 years, but the Chinese animation industry has not taken off with the national economy." Now I have a very good opportunity to put in front of me, the new carrier of mobile animation, whether in the developed United States or in Japan, which has animation countries, mobile animation is just beginning. We can say that we are at the same starting line. In addition, we have the largest wireless network operator in the world-China Mobile and the largest number of terminal mobile phone users in the world. This is unparalleled between Europe and America and Japan. With the arrival of the 3G era, the bottleneck of terminal technology has ceased to exist. This is a good chance for us to catch up with them. This paper firstly analyzes the development of China and Japan in the same period, based on a large number of real domestic and foreign literature. The aim is to find out the reasons why the development of Chinese animation lags behind by drawing the tracks of the three countries. With the emergence of the fifth media mobile phone, a new carrier, a medium, appeared in front of us. This is a rare opportunity to drive the development of Chinese animation. Thirdly, the development opportunities of mobile animation in China are analyzed from China Mobile Communication, China Mobile Terminal and so on. At the same time, the development status of Japanese machine animation is compared. In order to find a way to adapt to the development of mobile animation in China, this is the innovation point of this paper. The research results of this paper are: why are we already quite backward in the traditional animation and the United States and Japan to fight for an inch long ruler short! Should use their own advantage resources, limited energy and financial resources, we have more advantages, more in line with the trend of the times, more rapid results of mobile animation up.
[Abstract]:Animation has attracted countless fans and audience groups with its unique charm since its birth. After a hundred years of efforts, animation is no longer a child's patent, more and more people join the cartoon camp through different channels, among which, animation has become the most important part we can not ignore. The United States and Japan have their own animation market. The form of Chinese animation is now very severe, after the prosperity of Chinese animation, there has been a depression or even a period of time, "the reform and opening up has been nearly 30 years, but the Chinese animation industry has not taken off with the national economy." Now I have a very good opportunity to put in front of me, the new carrier of mobile animation, whether in the developed United States or in Japan, which has animation countries, mobile animation is just beginning. We can say that we are at the same starting line. In addition, we have the largest wireless network operator in the world-China Mobile and the largest number of terminal mobile phone users in the world. This is unparalleled between Europe and America and Japan. With the arrival of the 3G era, the bottleneck of terminal technology has ceased to exist. This is a good chance for us to catch up with them. This paper firstly analyzes the development of China and Japan in the same period, based on a large number of real domestic and foreign literature. The aim is to find out the reasons why the development of Chinese animation lags behind by drawing the tracks of the three countries. With the emergence of the fifth media mobile phone, a new carrier, a medium, appeared in front of us. This is a rare opportunity to drive the development of Chinese animation. Thirdly, the development opportunities of mobile animation in China are analyzed from China Mobile Communication, China Mobile Terminal and so on. At the same time, the development status of Japanese machine animation is compared. In order to find a way to adapt to the development of mobile animation in China, this is the innovation point of this paper. The research results of this paper are: why are we already quite backward in the traditional animation and the United States and Japan to fight for an inch long ruler short! Should use their own advantage resources, limited energy and financial resources, we have more advantages, more in line with the trend of the times, more rapid results of mobile animation up.
中国期刊全文数据库 前1条
1 吴波;;试论手机动画的不足[J];大家;2012年20期
中国博士学位论文全文数据库 前1条
1 俞玮娅;视觉文化视野下的上海漫画艺术研究[D];上海戏剧学院;2012年
中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前6条
1 朱琳;论数字时代动画在手机媒体上的应用性研究[D];西北大学;2011年
2 黄伟平;产业链视角下的中国动漫产业发展研究[D];南昌大学;2011年
3 廖艳芳;手机动漫顾客价值创新研究[D];湖南大学;2010年
4 吴波;手机媒体中的动画特性研究[D];齐齐哈尔大学;2012年
5 李翔宇;新媒体语境下的动漫品牌建设[D];山东大学;2013年
6 杨芳;动画在智能手机娱乐功能中的运用与研究[D];湖北工业大学;2013年