[Abstract]:With the popularity of computer and network technology, online games have entered the entertainment life of many people, and our government has gradually increased its support for online games. For example, our country has regarded the game industry as one of the six major economic industries. E-sports has also been determined by the State General Administration of Sports as a formal sports event. Under such a major premise, more and more online games at home and abroad have entered this immature market. In order to break through in these games, gamers are required to take into account all aspects. For a game, the way to be accepted is to really get into it, analyze it, and then use it many times before getting users to be more interested in it. As the gateway of the game itself, the official website should pay attention not only to its internal content, but also to the beauty and temperament of the whole website. The purpose of this article is to establish a website that synchronizes with this online game. By using this website, users can get a deeper understanding of the game, enter the game and enjoy the game. At the same time, it can also make administrators better manage the information of users, meet the information needs of system administrators and gamers, and achieve the purpose of integrating users, games and administrators. This paper discusses the design and implementation of the official publishing website of < Dream World >, combines the advanced website management method and the modern website technology, and adopts the advanced software technology such as ASP to construct and realize the security and management of personal information. For the game content set up a player's exchange platform, virtual props and virtual costumes of the real experience, the news version of the home page, timely updates of the dynamic, flipping ads, convenient and eye-catching navigation and other sections. According to the needs of the game users, the site built a user management system based on ASP and SQL. This system is a complete system based on network. In this system, user registration, activation, login, user information management, user recharge and other links are involved, and how to improve the security of the network and how to improve the operation system are also discussed.
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