[Abstract]:Image foreground region extraction refers to extracting any shape foreground region of interest from an image. Foreground region extraction is not only the basic operation in image processing, but also the most important and commonly used operation in visual special effects production. It is also widely used in magazines, two-dimensional graphic art, television, advertising and other fields. The foreground extraction algorithm can be divided into two categories according to whether the image contains translucent pixels: image segmentation and foreground matting. This paper briefly introduces the existing mainstream algorithms of image foreground extraction, and analyzes and compares the advantages and disadvantages of various algorithms. At present, the mainstream foreground extraction algorithms almost require a large number of manual interaction processes. We can find that photography is different from normal visual feeling in form, because it makes use of the optical properties of camera lens to create a center of interest, with a central picture, of course, it will attract people's attention. Photographers use the combination of the lens and the eyes to seamlessly expose the eye's feelings and the lens's performance to the negative and transmit the area of interest to the viewer. Current cameras such as SLR or non-reflective cameras are often marketed with emphasis on products that produce better performance. Scattered scenery, in short, refers to the effect of the former Qing Dynasty and the later Mongolia between the subject and the background. This effect highlights the stereoscopic sense of the subject, strengthens the subject and, to some extent, distinguishes the region of foreground background. Even pictures taken by ordinary cameras have a slight scatter effect. In image processing, the degree of scatter can be expressed by the image's astigmatic image. In this paper, the defocus of the image is amplified first, so that the common image has the same effect as the professional camera, and then the defocus image and the source image are fused together again to get the effect of the similar professional camera. From the perspective of the photographer, this paper redefines the specific concept of foreground region, that is, the region that the photographer wants to highlight and the region in which the lens finally displays. In this paper, the defocus diagram and the salient graph are used to represent these two properties. Based on this idea, a defocus map based foreground extraction algorithm is proposed. In this paper, the image data is segmented first, then the enlarged defocus image is combined with the salient image as the feature of the image block, and a classifier based on svm is trained to separate the foreground from the background. In a test image, the segmentation is marked as a foreground if it is highly reliable in the trained test model. The proposed algorithm is tested on both MSRA salient object detection image set and Flickr image set. The experimental results verify the rationality of the proposed foreground definition and the feasibility of the algorithm.
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