[Abstract]:With the improvement of science and technology and the development of new media technology, many new technologies have been applied to audiovisual advertising. As a practical art, audio-visual advertising not only provides consumers with efficient information on goods and services, but also has high aesthetic value. Since 1979, Shanghai TV station first broadcast the first commercial advertising, China's audio-visual advertising rapid development. However, due to the limitation of technical level and the low quality of practitioners, the development of audiovisual advertising in China is inferior to the international standard. From the angle of arousal theory, this thesis intends to select some classical advertising cases with novel forms of expression or aesthetic significance in recent years with the help of several methods of literature and art psychology and aesthetics, as well as the methods of consumer psychology. The paper mainly includes the following three parts: first, from the angle of arousal theory, the paper studies the practicability and aesthetics of audiovisual advertising. Advertisement is a practical art with aesthetic value. It is the intrinsic demand of consumers that makes advertising attractive to consumers, and different consumer demands make consumers pay attention to different advertising information. Only when many audiovisual advertisements awaken consumers' aesthetic attention and demand from the deep inside can they finally achieve effective communication and persuade the audience to buy goods or services. Second, because of the reproducibility of audiovisual advertising, the audience is prone to aesthetic fatigue in the process of acceptance, so the dissemination process of audio-visual advertising must rely on artistic means to improve the aesthetic value of audio-visual advertising, so that the advertising has aesthetic meaning. In order to better attract the audience's attention. This part mainly analyzes the aesthetic meaning of audiovisual advertising, strengthens the persuasion, summarizes the experience and principle. Third, from the development process of formal language and specific form factors to discuss the form of innovation, combined with the case of audio-visual advertising, the latest formal innovation techniques, summed up the formal innovation and aesthetic implication of the experience.
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