[Abstract]:Cigarette packaging is the carrier of commodity information and a "silent salesman". Cigarette packaging is a means to realize the value of commodities. Cigarette packaging design is the intermediary layer of communication packaging technology, art design, commodity marketing integration, cigarette packaging design can promote the circulation of goods and market outlook, but also create the psychological value of goods, bring aesthetic interest to consumers. Leading consumers to recognize and achieve the goal of promoting sales is not only a static feature of protecting commodities and sales media, but also directly participating in market competition. The "Yellow Crane Tower" brand has established its own characteristics among the high-grade cigarette brands through the continuation of various specifications, and has become one pole of the four flavors of the high-grade cigarette group, with the classical Chinese cigarette brand as its orientation, "Jingchu Fengfeng", and "Nanyang blood vein". The national spirit "is the cultural inside information, unceasingly innovates and surmounts in the classical continuation." The purpose of this paper is to study the decoration design of "Yellow Crane Tower" brand cigarette packaging, and to create the "Yellow Crane Tower" brand cigarette packaging design which is easily accepted by consumers by using packaging aesthetics and the idea of environmental protection design. In order to enhance the "Yellow Crane Tower" cigarette packaging visual aesthetic, cultural taste, reflect the national and simple, natural style, enhance the "Yellow Crane Tower" brand value, better occupation of the market, And expect to put forward the green environmental protection design idea that accords with the market demand, and even promote the integration of cigarette packaging industry to continue to develop and innovate, and take the road of sustainable development. In order to realize its principle and its characteristics, packaging products must be realized through continuous design innovation, especially cigarette packaging. The innovative design of a brand's packaging must be based on the in-depth understanding and analysis of its brand. Based on the analysis of the brand value, market orientation, market trend and cultural connotation of "Yellow Crane Tower", this paper explores the style orientation and cultural connotation of "Neo-classicism" of "Yellow Crane Tower" brand, and then studies its visual design. And through the visual innovation design and the humanized cigarette packaging box type innovation design discovery enhances the cigarette packing visual esthetic, the cultural grade, lets the brand serialization design, manifests the nationality, utilizes the regional characteristic to expand the brand market. Make use of special main body to create brand effect, and make style more simple, natural and so on cigarette packaging innovation design method, as well as humanized packaging box type innovation design. And through the preliminary study of green environmental protection design concept, the paper looks forward to the sustainable development of green environmental protection in cigarette packaging industry.
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