[Abstract]:Clothing brand logo not only embodies the characteristics of clothing products, but also carries the culture of clothing enterprises, which increases the added value of clothing brands, so it has been paid more and more attention by garment enterprises. How to create a successful clothing brand logo, is now the hot topic of attention. In this paper, the brand logo of clothing as the research object, through the multi-disciplinary perspective to analyze it. First of all, the domestic and foreign clothing brand logo has carried on the extensive investigation, has collected 2290 clothing brand logos to use in this article research. In this study, the clothing brand logo is deconstructed into two parts: text and graphics, and then it is analyzed and studied by linguistics, semiotics, sociology and psychology. The textual part of the brand logo is divided into two elements: the name and the advertising language. This paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the pronunciation, naming and meaning of brand names, as well as the pronunciation, rhetoric and meaning of advertising words, and verifies them by the collected examples of clothing brand identification. The research in this field shows that the name of clothing brand logo and advertising language should conform to certain rules in pronunciation, number of words, rhetorical methods and so on. The graphic part of the brand logo is decomposed into two elements: design and color. This research has carried on the thorough analysis to the clothing brand logo pattern expression form and the moral, has carried on the summary and the refinement to the pattern artistic quality. The function, characteristics, combination mode and implication association of brand logo color are analyzed one by one, and the basic rules of pattern and color design of clothing brand logo are summarized and verified through the collection of clothing brand logo. In order to understand the influence of clothing brand logo on consumers, this research adopts the method of market questionnaire, selects the survey object, and carries on the statistical analysis to the survey data. From the angle of investigating consumers' cognition psychology of clothing brand logo, combined with the theoretical knowledge of linguistics, behavioral psychology, culture and aesthetics, the investigation results are expounded and summarized in depth. Comparative analysis of clothing brand identity elements of the impact on consumers. On the basis of the above analysis and research, from the three dimensions of sound, form and meaning, this paper summarizes the characteristics, expression techniques and design points of the four constituent elements of the clothing brand logo. This paper summarizes the design rules of these four elements from the basis of satisfying consumers' psychological needs. On the basis of research and market research, this paper makes an empirical analysis on the design rules of clothing brand logo. A successful example is randomly selected from a large number of clothing brand logos collected and analyzed one by one from the four aspects of the logo name, advertising language, pattern and color to verify the accuracy of the proposed design rules of clothing brand logo. In order to verify the feasibility of the proposed design rules, the design practice of clothing brand logo is carried out by using the proposed rules. The results show that the design of clothing brand logo is a systematic work, should be considered from the four elements of the design, only to meet the sound beauty, Only the brand logo with deep connotation and beauty can have obvious recognition and great influence. The research in this paper can provide practical and operable guidance for brand logo design of garment enterprises.
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