[Abstract]:Font details design is a very small, but also can not be ignored key points in print advertising design. Because font as a unique feature of the text in the storage, transmission, exchange of information plays an important role in the media. Some small links in the font give people different visual experience and produce different visual psychology, which directly affects the ultimate goal of print advertising to spread information. In the field of print advertising today, when a large number of designers are shouting the slogan "creativity is the only driving force of design," I would like to put forward such a research topic on the design of font details in print advertising. On the one hand: as a graphic designer, for the text, the font has a special emotion; On the other hand: it is also a call for designers to pay attention to creativity, while not forgetting the rigor of the details, especially in the font details this aspect. Font detail design has two meanings, the first meaning is: font design is the design of the text itself, which requires a very professional and rigorous ability to grasp the text modeling. In particular, the Chinese font frame structure, stroke style and so on grasp. Another implication is that graphic designers should pay attention to the design of font details when using fonts, including how to use a font and how to make it the clearest and clearest in print advertising. At the same time, the most aesthetic value. I think this is the purpose of this paper. Starting with the concept of detail design, this paper summarizes and puts forward the concept of detail design of font and the category of detail design of font, and then expounds the application of detail design of font in print advertisement, including the choice of font and font size. Spacing, line spacing, paragraph layout, color, and so on, some classic graphic advertising design works to prove the practical use of these details, and then summed up the four points of the law. Then through my personal experience and experience of studying abroad, and through the whole design process of the book "Direction", which I have been studying in Germany for a whole year, I have all kinds of experience with the typography details. To talk about how I used the font details in the actual design project. At last, the necessity and importance of font detail design are put forward. The emphasis of this paper is to sum up and sum up all kinds of experiences and feelings about the design of font details by using one's own practical experience. The author hopes to provide some theoretical guidance for his own professional career after graduation and for the general print advertising design practitioners.
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