[Abstract]:For years, students preferred painting to advertising. I think painting is superior to others, advertising is inferior, painting is famous and there is no profit. So even if the body is decorated, the heart is painting. After the graduates were assigned to the design units, they tried their best to transfer to the painting units such as publishing houses through various channels, so the phenomenon of "hatching ducklings" existed for a long time. Today, the development of advertising, with its own charm, has changed the attitude of students to advertising, but also changed the choice of students to the future. Graduation assignment, not only decoration students willing to assign to advertising agencies, many other professional graduates, but also actively choose advertising agencies. They believe that advertising agencies are dynamic and capable of fulfilling their ideals. In the minds of students, advertising has finally turned over, and advertising has demonstrated its advantages in professional competition. When advertising was mentioned before, it was thought that it was a painting advertisement, which could be used to display its painting skills. In recent years, advertising teaching has changed students' concept of advertising design. It is clear that advertising is not only painting, but also that it should have a clear market, accurate positioning, ingenious creativity, and the expression of appropriate media art. Design ideas and markets, from the past to the author-centered to consumer-centered. This design concept, through the combination of teaching and practice, deepens students' understanding and turns it into their design.
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