[Abstract]:With the development of mobile intelligent technology, the performance of mobile terminals has been greatly improved, so smart phones have been greatly popularized, and the demand for mobile advertising is becoming stronger and stronger. Mobile advertising will be one of the most important means of realisation for mobile app developers and developers because the domestic payment habit is not mature enough and Internet users prefer to use free mobile Internet services rather than charge for it, so mobile advertising will be one of the most important means of realisation for mobile app developers and developers. As a service provider connecting advertisers and developers, mobile advertising platform must rely on a software system with high stability, high concurrency and high scalability. Internet applications generally have the characteristics of high concurrency, especially the advertising platform converges the access of many Internet products, and the concurrency will be even greater. We design a stable and efficient load balancing scheme based on Nginx for the advertising platform. In this scheme, we add a layer of Memcache-based cache system between the business server and the database as the data cache, which relieves the load of the Mysql database and improves the concurrent processing ability of the system. The mobile Internet advertising platform implemented in this paper consists of three sub-modules: advertising operation system, developer data platform system and advertising SDK. Among them, the advertising operation system provides a series of functional modules for the operators of the advertising platform to operate the advertising platform, and also provides the network interface to the advertising SDK.. The developer data platform system serves the developer, who manages their application access and financial revenue by logging in to the system, and gets the latest information on the advertising platform through the portal. Advertising SDK is a component for developers to access the advertising platform, the main forms of advertising are floating window advertising, push advertising, icon advertising and so on. At present, the platform has been put into commercial operation, processing more than 1 million independent terminals a day, processing more than 10 million ad requests a day, and reaching a peak of 1000 ad requests per second. The platform relies on mobile phone location services, big data analysis and other technical means to achieve a certain precision.
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