[Abstract]:Shang Xiaoyun, a master of Beijing Opera, is one of the representative figures of modern Chinese Beijing Opera. Throughout his life, he has devoted himself to the reform and development of Beijing opera art. With unremitting efforts and extraordinary artistic attainments, he has created a "Shangpai" performing art school, which is both cultural and martial, vigorous, generous and vivid, and has made great contributions to the enrichment of the artistic expression means and repertoire of Beijing opera. The aesthetic ideal and aesthetic value of performing art enrich the art of Beijing opera in the 20th century, and have a profound influence on later generations. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Beijing opera became more and more mature and went to its heyday. A large number of famous corners in the drama world emerged, and the performing art continued to improve, showing a prosperous situation of schools. In this context, the Drama monthly came into being. Drama monthly is one of the most important opera publications in the Republic of China. It has given special preference to Mingdan from the beginning of its publication. Shang Xiaoyun, as the famous Dan of Beijing Opera, has naturally received continuous attention from the monthly Drama Journal. In such a professional publication, a large number of performance photos, performance messages, drama reviews and so on about Shang Xiaoyun are published, and the development of Shang Xiaoyun's acting career is recorded. This paper takes the historical materials of Shang Xiaoyun published in the monthly Journal of Drama as the main research object, combined with the information of Shang Xiaoyun in the historical materials of other newspapers and periodicals, on the basis of sorting out, summing up and summing up these original materials, and combining with the previous research results, places the cultural space created by the monthly Journal of Drama in the overall care of the cultural space created by the monthly Journal of Drama. This paper truly investigates Shang Xiaoyun's performance activities at that time, combs Shang Xiaoyun's artistic road and the forming process of performing art, and excavates the aesthetic characteristics of Shang Xiaoyun's performing art, in order to make a more objective evaluation of Shang Xiaoyun and his performing art from a new angle. This paper mainly includes four parts, the first part is the introduction, which introduces the purpose and significance of this topic, the present situation of the research and the monthly Journal of Drama. The second part, based on the drama monthly, Shang Xiaoyun's small history sums up his life, acting way and teacher's inheritance. The third part, according to the content of Shang Xiaoyun drama published in the monthly Drama, excavates the characteristics of Shang Xiaoyun's performing art, and sums up the aesthetic characteristics of Shang Xiaoyun's performing art. The fourth part, according to Shang Xiaoyun's performance information, drama photos, advertisements and other contents in the Drama monthly, discusses the reasons why the Drama monthly pays attention to Shang Xiaoyun, and outlines the image of Shang Xiaoyun under the attention of the Drama monthly.
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